外国文学研究 ›› 2020, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (5): 135-146.

• 文学叙事研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2020-10-25 发布日期:2021-02-26
  • 作者简介:刘阳,华东师范大学中文系教授,主要从事事件理论与后理论研究。
  • 基金资助:
    上海市哲学社会科学规划课题“‘后理论'的文学走向及其新型写作形态研究”(2017BWY002); 上海市曙光人才项目“事件论美学的形成机理研究”(16SJ27)

Against the Event: Michael Sayeau's Interpretation and Deduction of Modernist Narrative

Liu Yang   

  • Online:2020-10-25 Published:2021-02-26
  • About author:Liu Yang is a professor at the Department of Chinese Literature, East China Normal University (Shanghai 200241, China). His research mainly focuses on the theory of event and post-theory. Email: liutaiyang2001@163.com
  • Supported by:
    Research on the Literary Trend of ‘Post-Theory' and Its New Writing Form” (2017BWY002) sponsored by Shanghai Philosophy and Social Science Foundation; “Study on the Formation Mechanism of Eventual Aesthetics” (16SJ27) sponsored by Shanghai Shuguang Scholar Program

内容摘要: 在对事件思想的前沿研究中,英国叙事学家迈克尔·索亚一反从独特性角度理解事件的惯常做法,以巴迪欧为批判切入口,论证了事件独特性所隐含的原因神秘性及其形而上学症结,醒目地提出“反事件”观点,吸收有关学理,深入阐释了福楼拜等作家如何处理中断与重复的冲突,由此开现代主义叙事先河。其阐释不仅可以在今天得到基于“巧合的日常性”的推演,而且有助于深度澄清一个学术史拐点,即早期现代主义作家在创作中凸显话语自身构造,何以与索绪尔从理论上确立语言论起点这一事实发生于同时期。

关键词: 反事件, 独特性, 现代主义, 日常性, 语言论

Abstract: In the frontier research on event, English narratologist Michael Sayeau took a departure from the usual approach in understanding the event from the perspective of singularity and, using Badiou as the starting point of his criticism, demonstrated the mysteriousness of the cause and the metaphysical crux, the two features underlying the singularity of event. As a result, he forthrightly put forward his “against the event” viewpoint and absorbed relevant critical theories while explaining how Flaubert and other writers deal with the conflict between interruption and repetition, thus creating a pioneering presentation of the modernist narrative. His interpretation can not only provide a deduction of “the daily constancy of coincidence”, but also help clarify, in depth, a turning point in academic history, that is, the time when early modernist writers highlighted the structure of discourse itself in their works and Saussure established the starting point for the theory of language simultaneously.

Key words: against the event, singularity, modernism, everydayness, linguistic theory

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