外国文学研究 ›› 2020, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (5): 124-134.

• 文学伦理学批评 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 发布日期:2021-02-26
  • 作者简介:张英雪,厦门大学外文学院博士生,主要从事美国少数族裔文学研究。

Race, Culture, Ethics: The Humanity Restoration in Ravelstein from the Perspective of Cosmopolitanism

Zhang Yingxue   

  • Published:2021-02-26
  • About author:Zhang Yingxue is a PhD student at the College of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Xiamen University (Xiamen 361005, China), specializing in the study of American ethnic literature. Email: 12020170155464@stu.xmu.edu.cn

内容摘要: 奎迈·安东尼·阿皮亚主张将有根的世界主义、多元文化的世界主义和普遍伦理的世界主义统一到对个体“种族身份”、“文化身份”和“伦理身份”三种具体身份的关注之中,而具体身份之下的个体关怀是“人性”得以复归的前提。面对自我与世界的关系,以索尔·贝娄为代表的族裔作家提倡个体在回归种族身份的基础上追求文化身份的多重性,并在多样性世界中进行伦理身份的选择。在《拉维尔斯坦》中,主人公拉维尔斯坦不仅回归自己的犹太种族身份,还继承了犹太民族的传统。同时,拉维尔斯坦尊重文化的差异性,在多元文化的美国社会重塑文化身份。拉维尔斯坦将世界主义伦理作为维系人际关系的准则,从对他人伦理职责的实践中探索抵抗精神异化的途径,最终实现了由“兽性因子”向“人性因子”的转变。通过《拉维尔斯坦》主要人物种族身份的回归、文化身份的重塑以及伦理身份的构建,贝娄重新审视人性问题,以一位世界主义作家的责任感和使命感探求个体生存意义,为和谐的人文世界的发展提供了有益借鉴。

关键词: 索尔·贝娄, 《拉维尔斯坦》, 种族身份, 文化身份, 伦理身份

Abstract: Kwame Anthony Appiah advocates that rooted cosmopolitanism, multicultural cosmopolitanism and ethical cosmopolitanism should be unified into the concern about specific identities, namely, “racial identity,” “cultural identity” and “ethical identity,” whereas the restoration of humanity is premised on the concern about individuals under specific identity. In addressing the relationship between the self and the world, ethnic writers, as represented by Saul Bellow, urge individuals to pursue the multiplicity of their cultural identity based on the restoration of their racial identity and select their ethical identity in a world of diversity. In Ravelstein, Ravelstein, the protagonist, not only restores his Jewish identity, but also inherits the traditions of the Jewish people. In the meantime, Ravelstein respects the differences in culture and reconstructs his cultural identity in the multicultural society of America. While confronting the crisis of consumption alienation, Ravelstein maintains the cosmopolitan ethics as the guidelines in interpersonal relationships, explores ways to resist spiritual alienation by fulfilling his ethical responsibilities to others, and eventually accomplishes his transition from “animal factor” to “human factor.” Through the major characters' restoration of ethnic identity, their reconstruction of cultural identity and their development of ethical identity in Ravelstein, Bellow reexamines the issue of human nature and explores the significance of individual existence with the sense of responsibility and mission as a cosmopolitan writer, thus offering a useful reference for the development of a harmonious human world.

Key words: Bellow, Ravelstein, racial identity, cultural identity, ethical identity

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