外国文学研究 ›› 2020, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (3): 61-72.

• 人类命运共同体与文学跨学科研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2020-06-25 发布日期:2021-02-28
  • 作者简介:蒋承勇,浙江工商大学西方文学与文化研究院教授,主要从事欧美文学、比较文学研究。
  • 基金资助:

Interdisciplinary Interaction and Innovation in the Methodology of Literary Studies

Jiang Chengyong   

  • Online:2020-06-25 Published:2021-02-28
  • About author:Jiang Chengyong is a professor at the Institute of Western Literature and Culture, Zhejiang Gongshang University (Hangzhou 310018, China), specializing in European and American literature, comparative literature. Email: jcy@zjgsu.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    “Research on Ideological Trends in 19th-Century Western Literature” (15ZDB086) sponsored by the National Social Science Fund of China

内容摘要: 文学研究的本质属性除了审美意义上的“文学性”之外,还包括学科知识的包容性与统摄性,因为文学本身就具有与生俱来的对人类活动和知识蕴含的无所不包之特性。文学研究要坚守审美意义上的“文学性”,但不应因此囿于审美性的规设而无视文学与其他学科之间存在的“学科间性”,拒斥多学科互涉与对话。文学研究即便是在现代学术体制背景下学科分工愈趋细致、完善的条件下,也应该依旧坚守知识生产的多学科综合性和研究方法的丰富多样性,同时又不失其固有的文学性和审美性。文学研究不仅永远离不开学科间性基础上的跨学科互涉与对话,而且这种跨学科乃至“超学科”研究的不断提升、拓展与深化,正是“网络化-全球化”时代中外文学研究观念与方法创新的一种重要途径。

关键词: 文学跨学科研究, 学科间性, 文学性, 审美性

Abstract: In addition to “literariness” in the aesthetic sense, the essential property of literary research also includes the inclusiveness and integration of knowledge from different disciplines, as literature has an inherent omnipresence of human activity and knowledge. The study of literature should adhere to “literariness” in the aesthetic sense, but it should neither be servile to aesthetic conventions to disregard the “interdisciplinarity” between literature and other disciplines, nor reject multidisciplinary interaction and communication. Even in the context of the modern academic system, in which the division of disciplines has been more and more meticulous and consummate, literary studies should still adhere to the multidisciplinary synthesis of knowledge production and the rich diversity of research methods, while maintaining its inherent literariness and aesthetics. Not only is literary research always inseparable from interdisciplinary interaction and communication based on interdisciplinarity, but upgrading, expanding, and deepening the interdisciplinary and even “supra-disciplinary” research is indeed an important way to innovate the concept and methodology of our study on Chinese and foreign literature in this “Internet-globalization” era.

Key words: interdisciplinary literary studies, interdisciplinarity, literariness, aesthetics

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