外国文学研究 ›› 2020, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (3): 73-86.

• 人类命运共同体与文学跨学科研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2020-06-25 发布日期:2021-02-28
  • 作者简介:周敏,杭州师范大学外国语学院教授,杭州师范大学文艺批评研究院研究员,主要研究英美文学、西方文论。
  • 基金资助:

The Imagination of a Human-Machine Community in Machines Like Me

Zhou Min   

  • Online:2020-06-25 Published:2021-02-28
  • About author:Zhou Min is a professor at the School of Foreign Language Studies and a research fellow at the Institute of Literary Criticism, Hangzhou Normal University (Hangzhou 311121, China). Her research areas include contemporary British and American literature as well as literary theory. Email: mindyzhou@126.com
  • Supported by:
    “The Representation and Aesthetics of Community of Fate in British Literature” (19ZDA293) sponsored by National Social Science Fund of China

内容摘要: 人类创造机器人的初衷乃是渴望一个更好的自我,希望它能拯救人类;同时人对这个机器人又心怀恐惧,担心被它所取代。由此带来一个崭新的伦理困境:如何在人机共存的新时代构建出和谐共存的人机共同体。《像我一样的机器》为这个问题提供了想象性答案。借助阿甘本的生命政治哲学、埃斯波西托的共同体理论,以及阿西莫夫的机器人三定律等,分析小说主人公查理等和机器人亚当所构成的人机共同体之中的理解缺位、人机矛盾,以及伦理困境等问题。面对一个人工智能时代的到来,人类不该像工业革命时期的勒德分子那样,而是应当走出人类中心主义的牢笼,重新反思自己对待机器人和人工智能的方式,因为在一个人机共存的空间,人类与机器之间不应该是主仆关系;相反,他们是彼此的构成性他者,共同填补了共同体的“空”,并使得人机共存的空间成为共同拥有的礼物:人机共同体。

关键词: 伊恩·麦克尤恩, 《像我一样的机器》, 人机共同体, 伦理困境

Abstract: Android is originally created out of human aspiration for a better self and a hopeful salvation of humankind. In the meantime, though, humans are also afraid of androids and worried about being replaced by them, thus finding ourselves in a novel ethical predicament, an aporia of constructing a harmonious community, in which humans and machines could coexist. Machines Like Me seems to have offered some imaginary answers to these issues. Through an analysis based on Agamben's political philosophy of life, Esposito's theory of community, and Asimov's three laws of robotics, we may see problems like comprehension deficits, human-machine conflicts, and ethical dilemmas, in the human-machine community composed of Charlie, the protagonist in the novel, and Adam, an android. With the arrival of the A.I. era, therefore, humans should not behave like a Luddite during the Industrial Revolution, but rather free ourselves from the cage of Anthropocentrism and reconsider our way of treating android and artificial intelligence. This is because in a space where mankind and machine coexist, there should not be a master-servant relationship between humans and machines; instead, they are de facto the Constitutive Other of one another, filling the “void” in the community jointly, and turning their co-residing space into a munus: a human-machine community.

Key words: Ian McEwan, Machines Like Me, human-machine community, ethical predicament

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