外国文学研究 ›› 2020, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (3): 52-60.

• 人类命运共同体与文学跨学科研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2020-06-25 发布日期:2021-02-28
  • 作者简介:李维屏,上海外国语大学英语学院教授,《英美文学研究论丛》主编,研究领域为英美文学。
  • 基金资助:

The Representation of Community in English Literature and Its Interdisciplinary Study

Li Weiping   

  • Online:2020-06-25 Published:2021-02-28
  • About author:Li Weiping is Professor of English at School of English Studies, Shanghai International Studies University (Shanghai 200083, China) and the editor-in-chief of English and American Literary Studies, specializing in English and American literature. Email: wpli1953@163.com
  • Supported by:
    “The Representation and Aesthetics of Community in English Literature” (19ZDA293)sponsored by the National Social Science Fund of China

内容摘要: “命运共同体”是历代英国作家文学想象的重要客体,也是千年英国文学史上繁衍最久、书写最多的题材之一。近年来,随着全球化进程的加快,“命运共同体”表征的审美研究已经成为国内外文学批评界的热门话题。尽管对这一题材的跨学科研究尚未引起人们足够的重视,但这无疑是当前值得探索的一条学术路径。论文以“命运共同体”为切入点,旨在系统阐释这一题材在英国文学中的美学表征与跨学科研究。在考察国内外相关理论和研究的基础上,论文全面论述了“命运共同体”在英国文学中的历史成因、发展轨迹和审美批评,并揭示了其跨学科研究的意义和理论价值。此外,论文还对英国文学中“命运共同体”书写的典型范例及其跨学科研究的丰富资源加以阐释,并探讨了其文内审美和文外跨界研究过程中可能涉及的若干深层次问题。

关键词: 命运共同体, 英国文学, 表征, 跨学科研究

Abstract: “Community” has been both a key object of literary imagination for English writers in different historical periods and one of the most enduring and most commonly written subjects throughout the history of English literature. In recent years, along with the rapid progress of globalization, the representation of “community” has become a heated topic for literary critics both at home and abroad. Although the interdisciplinary study of this subject has not yet caught enough attention from critics, now it is undoubtedly a research path worth exploring. Using “community” as a breakthrough point, this essay aims to offer a comprehensive illustration about the literary representation of the subject in English literature and viable options for an interdisciplinary study on it as well. While examining the relevant theories and studies of the subject both at home and abroad, the essay not only traces the origin, development, and criticism of “community” in English literature, but also demonstrates the significance and theoretical value of its interdisciplinary study. In addition, the essay illustrates some typical examples of “community” representation, along with rich resources for interdisciplinary studies, and explores some deep-rooted issues that may occur in the course of the aesthetic analysis within the text and the cross-boundary research beyond.

Key words: community, English literature, representation, interdisciplinary study

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