外国文学研究 ›› 2018, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (6): 51-63.

• 海外华人文学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2018-12-25 发布日期:2022-05-24
  • 作者简介:蔡晓惠,文学博士,南开大学外国语学院讲师,主要从事北美华人文学研究。
  • 基金资助:

The Ethics of Patriarchal Clan System in the Context of North America: A Literary Ethical Analysis of Disappearing Moon Café by Chinese Canadian Writer Sky Lee

Cai Xiaohui   

  • Online:2018-12-25 Published:2022-05-24
  • About author:Dr. Cai Xiaohui is lecturer at College of Foreign Languages, Nankai University (Tianjin 300071, China), specializing in North American Chinese literature. Email: caixiaohui@nankai.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    “A Study of Female Diasporic Literature in Multicultural Context” (14FWW014), which is sponsored by the National Social Science Fund of China

内容摘要: 在加拿大华裔作家李群英的小说《残月楼》中,三起乱伦事件的发生都植根于黄家这个华裔家庭的移民先辈所做出的伦理选择和北美华人社区的特殊伦理环境,以及由此引发的伦理身份混乱。早期华人移民的伦理选择是宗法制血缘伦理遭遇北美语境时挤压和变形的产物,体现了早期华人移民在北美社会的精神迷失,以及血缘伦理在异域的异化;而乱伦的发生又与唐人街社区被主流社会排斥和隔离的历史境遇密切相关。这些悲剧的发生充分展现北美华人在异域伦理秩序调整和重构中所付出的巨大代价,而其作者也以此批判中国传统家庭伦理中的父系传承和加拿大历史上对华人移民的不公正待遇,实现作品的伦理价值。

关键词: 李群英, 《残月楼》, 宗法制血缘伦理, 伦理选择, 伦理身份

Abstract: In Sky Lee’s Disappearing Moon Café, the three incestual incidents took place because of the ethical choices made by the early generations of immigrants in the Huang family, and the following confusion of ethical identities, both of which were closely associated with the unique ethical environment in the North American Chinese community. The ethical choices made by the early Chinese immigrants seem to be a result from suppression and distortion when the ethics of patriarchal kinship encountered the North American context. It embodies the spiritual disorientation of the early Chinese immigrants in North America and a kind of alienation of kinship ethics in a foreign land. The occurrence of the incestual incidents is closely related to the long history of the Chinatown community’s exclusion and segregation from the mainstream society. These tragedies fully indicate the hefty price the North American Chinese paid while readjusting and reconstructing their ethical order in a foreign land. The paper intends to argue that the author manifested the ethical value of his novel by critiquing the patriarchal lineage in traditional Chinese ethics and the unfair treatment of the Chinese immigrants in Canadian history as well.

Key words: Sky Lee, Disappearing Moon Café, patriarchal kinship ethics, ethical choice, ethical identity

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