外国文学研究 ›› 2018, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (6): 64-72.

• 海外华人文学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2018-12-25 发布日期:2022-05-24
  • 作者简介:黄晓燕,浙江大学中文系2016 级博士研究生,主要研究方向是中国现代文学和东南亚华文文学。

Narratives of History in the Singaporean Writer Chia Joo Ming’s Works

Huang Xiaoyan   

  • Online:2018-12-25 Published:2022-05-24
  • About author:Huang Xiaoyan is a doctoral candidate at the Department of Chinese Studies, Zhejiang University (Hangzhou 310028, China), specializing in modern Chinese literature and Southeast Asian Chinese literature. Email: hxy2251@126.com

内容摘要: 谢裕民无疑是新加坡中生代最负盛名的华人作家。小说创作一直都是他的人生副业,他以自己浮世绘式的笔法书写自己眼中的新加坡社会,特别是末代华校生的身份使其笔端有着中国现代文学中挥之不去的批判色彩。1990年代之后的他,创作内容触及到对新加坡华人的寻根意识,同时也保持着对当下新加坡社会的现实关怀,这些都是他成为新加坡中生代作家最重要作家的原因。谢裕民的创作可分成早期的都市书写和近期的历史寻根两个阶段,如果参照新加坡的历史发展轨迹,可以展示出这位重要的新加坡中生代作家的创作与新加坡建国以来历史之间形成的文史互证关系,从而展示其创作中彰显的新加坡知识分子的文学精神。

关键词: 谢裕民, 历史书写, 末代华校生, 寻根文学, 重构南洋图像

Abstract: Chia Joo Ming is undoubtedly one of Singapore’s most famous Chinese writers of the Mesozoic era. He is a computer engineer by profession and a novelist by avocation. Educated as the last generation of Chinese school’s students, he demonstrated in his early writings a strong sense of social criticism that is prevailing in modern Chinese literature. Since the 1990s, his works, however, are characterized with the constant theme of Xungen (searching for cultural roots) in Singaporean Chinese history while retaining a realistic concern with current issues in Singaporean society. That seems to be the reason why he has been considered the most distinguished writer during the Mesozoic era in Singapore. There are two phases in Chia’s career: the first one focuses on urban narrative, whereas the second one is dedicated to the search for historical roots. This paper reads this division of literary creation against the historical development of Singapore as a nation and tries to discuss the formation of the spirit of Singaporean intellectuals in their literary creation.

Key words: Chia Joo Ming, historical writing, the last generation of Chinese school students, Xungen, reconstruction of Nanyang images

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