外国文学研究 ›› 2018, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (6): 42-50.

• 海外华人文学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2018-12-25 发布日期:2022-05-24
  • 作者简介:杨丽,博士,中国计量大学人文与外语学院教授,主要研究方向为美国文学。

Laws and Seals: An Analysis of the Narrative Strategy and Significance in China Men

Yang Li   

  • Online:2018-12-25 Published:2022-05-24
  • About author:Dr. Yang Li is professor of School of Humanities and Foreign Languages, China Jiliang University (Hangzhou 310018, China). Her research interests are American literature in general, and Chinese American literature in particular. Email: Yangliculture@126.com

内容摘要: 华裔美国作家汤亭亭的小说《中国佬》因其高超的叙事策略一直备受评论界的广泛关注。穿插在小说中的法律文献资料以及小说首页和主要章节前的印章为小说的跨界叙事研究提供了范例。印章行使了图像的功能,是视觉性叙事,是对整个华裔族群为美国建设所做卓绝贡献的肯定。法律文献是文本性叙事,代表了美国国家叙事对华裔族群的歧视及对其所作贡献的抹杀。小说中用法律文献和印章作为跨界叙事策略,其出现的位置从形式上展现了文本性和视觉性之间的呼应,也彰显了对《排华法案》权威性的挑战;而其反映的内容既让法律代表的政治性和印章代表的历史性形成对峙,又阐释了国家叙事与族裔书写之间的协商。

关键词: 汤亭亭, 《中国佬》, 法律, 印章, 叙事策略

Abstract: China Men, a novel written by the Chinese American writer, Maxine Hong Kingston, has attracted a lot of attention from critics due to its superb narrative skill and innovative storytelling strategy. The legal documents inserted in the novel, the title page, and the ideogrammatic designs or seals at the beginning of main chapters offer ample examples for the study of its cross-boundary narrative. The legal documents and the traditional Chinese seals are merely two of the multi-dimensional narrative strategies employed in China Men, they reveal the central theme of the novel. To be specific, the seal works as part of the visual narrative since it functions through its image, and affirms Chinese Americans’ major contributions to the construction of America. The legal documents serve as the textual narrative, revealing how the national narrative discriminates against Chinese Americans and denies their outstanding contributions. The novel relies on the legal documents and seals as cross-boundary narrative strategies. The position of the legal documents and the seals in the novel shows the echo between textuality and visuality, and presents a challenge and defiance to the authority of Chinese Exclusion Act. Moreover, the content of the two not only sets up an opposing contrast between the politicalization of the legal documents and the historicity of the seals, but also connotes a negotiation between the national narrative and ethnical writings.

Key words: Maxine Hong Kingston, China Men, the laws, the seal, narrative strategy

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