外国文学研究 ›› 2022, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (1): 162-172.

• 英美文学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2022-02-25 发布日期:2022-04-29
  • 作者简介:谷伟,战略支援部队信息工程大学洛阳校区讲师,主要从事美国文学与文化研究。
  • 基金资助:

Revitalizing the Potential for Action in the Digital Age: Jonathan Franzen's Purity

Gu Wei   

  • Online:2022-02-25 Published:2022-04-29
  • About author:Gu Wei is a lecturer at Information Engineering University, Luoyang (Luoyang 471003, China), specializing in American literature and culture. Email: brentongu@163.com
  • Supported by:
    “The Bodily Motivation in the Literary Turn of Jonathan Franzen's Tragic Realism” (20CWW008) sponsored by the National Social Science Fund of China

内容摘要: 美国作家乔纳森·弗兰岑的《纯洁》再现了萧条的公共政治,笔触从社会空间转向个人生活,引发学界对其政治意识退缩的批判。这一衰微再现与视角收缩,实际关涉小说从心理机制入手,探究公共政治缘何在数字时代走向崩解。援引斯蒂格勒的个性化理论,可以洞悉《纯洁》对数字资本封闭公共空间的反思,揭示资本操控持存信息阻断个性化的霸权宰制:首先,资本宣导废弃式的消费生活,破坏了欲望循环结构,摧毁对友爱共同体的欲求;其次,资本共时生成牧群意识,阻断“我”与“我们”延异的跨个性化,导致暴力因爱的能力丧失充斥社会。为激活公共政治的行动潜能,弗兰岑从异域空间揭示数字资本权力机制,通过终止权力维系的对立框架,打破网络“纯洁”的幻象,进而重启个性化,敞开友爱共同体的空间。

关键词: 乔纳森·弗兰岑, 《纯洁》, 个性化, 数字时代, 行动潜能

Abstract: Jonathan Franzen's Purity represents the gloominess of public politics and shifts its narrative perspective from social space to individual life, a move that has stirred up the criticism on his weakened political consciousness from the academia. However, the representation of such a gloominess and the adoption of a narrowing perspective are actually intended by the author of the novel to explore, through a psychological approach, the reason why public politics is heading toward a collapse in the digital age. Using Bernard Stigler's theory of individuation in analyzing Purity may enable us to see its reflection on the closure of public sphere by digital capital and its revelation of how the capital destroys individuation through its hegemonic control over the informationalized retention. First, it advocates a lifestyle of consumption with a high-rate abandonment, which devastates the circular structure of desire and annihilates the yearning for a community of philia; secondly, it synchronizes the diversified consciousness like a herd and blocks the transindividuation where “I” and “We” continue to defer while remaining different, thus allowing violence to overwhelm the society due to the loss of the capacity for love. In order to revitalize the potential for action in public politics, Franzen reveals the power mechanism of digital capital from foreign space. By terminating the opposing framework that power relies on, he shatters the illusion about cyber “purity,” renews individuation, and expand the space for a community of philia.

Key words: Franzen, Purity, individuation, digital age, the potential for action

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