外国文学研究 ›› 2020, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (5): 89-99.

• 文学跨学科研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2020-10-25 发布日期:2021-02-26
  • 作者简介:谭莲香,中南大学外国语学院博士生,长沙理工大学外国语学院讲师,主要从事英语文学和翻译理论与实践研究。
  • 基金资助:
    湖南省教育厅优秀青年项目“中国自传类图像小说英译本叙事建构研究”(19B019); 湖南省社科基金一般项目“文化经典汉译合作模式变迁研究”(19YBA009)

Evolution of American Graphic Novel and its Implications

Tan Lianxiang   

  • Online:2020-10-25 Published:2021-02-26
  • About author:Tan Lianxiang is a PhD candidate of School of Foreign Languages, Central South University (Changsha, 410083, China), and a lecturer at School of Foreign Studies, Changsha University of Science & Technology (Changsha, 410114, China). Her research interests include English Literature and translation theory and practice. Email: clgtanlianxiang@126.com
  • Supported by:
    Narrative Construction in the English Translation of Chinese Autobiographical Graphic Novels” (19B019) sponsored by Hunan Education Department; “Evolution of Cooperative Translation in Translating Foreign Cultural Classics into Chinese” (19YBA009) sponsored by Social Science Fund of Hunan Province

内容摘要: 美国图像小说兴起于20世纪七十年代,是漫画的一个分支,主要以成年人为目标读者,叙述严肃主题。美国图像小说的发展经历了前图像小说期、图像小说发展期和流行期,逐渐从文学场域边缘走向中心。这一新兴文类的流行是美国文化场域中诸多因素合力的结果,包括图像小说自身的图文叙事特征、叙事主题对历史语境的呼应、电子文化的流行提供的机遇等。美国图像小说的演进历程大致可以说明,英语文学场域对图文结合叙事持开放态度,以适应读图时代读者的阅读倾向。这一趋势启发我们,图像小说这一新文类可以成为中国文学海外传播的新路径;当前应进一步探索如何变革叙事理念、转换传播媒介,以多元形式更好地向世界讲述中国故事。

关键词: 美国图像小说, 叙事, 演进历程, 漫画, 文学

Abstract: As a branch of comics, the graphic novel, which came into being in the 1970s in the American cultural field, generally targets an adult audience and addresses serious themes. The development of the American graphic novel can be roughly divided into the pre-graphic novel period, the rising period, and the canonical period. At present, the graphic novel is marching to center from margin in the American literary field. The rise of the graphic novel as a new genre results from interaction of many factors, including the image-word narrative features of the graphic novel, the coincidence of the themes of the graphic novel and those of the public narratives in the historical context, and the opportunities provided by E-culture. The evolution of the graphic novel indicates that the English literary filed is opening up to the word-image narrative to adapt to readers' preference for image. It is suggested that the graphic novel can be taken as a new form to introduce Chinese literature to the English world, and more efforts should be taken to update our perception about narrative and medium in order to tell the stories about China to the world in a better way.

Key words: American graphic novel, narrative, evolution, comics, literature

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