外国文学研究 ›› 2020, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (3): 14-28.

• 中外学者对话:莎士比亚研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


朱小琳, 伊戈尔·沙伊塔诺夫   

  • 出版日期:2020-06-25 发布日期:2021-02-28
  • 作者简介:朱小琳,中央民族大学外国语学院英美文学教授,主要从事莎剧翻译及英美文学研究;伊戈尔·沙伊塔诺夫,俄罗斯国立人文大学比较文学教授,俄罗斯著名学术期刊《文学问题》执行主编,俄罗斯《莎士比亚百科全书》主编。
  • 基金资助:

Translation and Reception of Shakespeare in Russia and China:An Interview with Igor Shaytanov

Zhu Xiaolin, Igor Shaytanov   

  • Online:2020-06-25 Published:2021-02-28
  • About author:Zhu Xiaolin is Professor of English and American Literature at the School of Foreign Studies, Minzu University of China (Beijing 100081, China). Her research is mainly focused on the translation of Shakespeare's plays and British and American literature. Email: aurorazhu@163.com. Igor Shaytanov is Professor of Comparative Literature, Russian State University for the Humanities, editor-in-chief for Problems of Literature (a renowned Russian academic journal), and general editor of Shakespeare Encyclopedia in Russia. Email: shigor00@mail.ru
  • Supported by:
    “National Social Science Fund Workshop: Researches on English Language and Literature in the Context of China” (3712016) sponsored by Minzu University of China

内容摘要: 伊戈尔·沙伊塔诺夫,资深莎士比亚研究专家,著有《比较研究与从历史诗学的角度看英国文学中的诗学》(2010)、《莎士比亚一生》(2013)、《事实真相与我们所铭记的》(2017;第二版,2019)等。2019年4月10-11日,朱小琳在北京就莎士比亚在俄罗斯和中国的翻译与接受对沙伊塔诺夫教授做了一次访谈。在此访谈中,沙伊塔诺夫教授谈到一系列问题,从莎士比亚作品作为欧洲文学经典经由法语译本传入俄罗斯的译介与传播,到莎士比亚融入俄罗斯文学意识的进程、俄罗斯的莎士比亚文学翻译特点。他针对朱小琳所提出的中俄两国的莎士比亚文学翻译与传播的共同性与差异性、翻译原则等问题做了详尽的解答。除此之外,他还就《莎士比亚百科全书》的编写和增加一个章节来论述莎士比亚在中国的翻译与接受分享了他的见解。

关键词: 莎士比亚, 文学翻译, 文学接受, 朱生豪, 沙伊塔诺夫

Abstract: Igor Shaytanov is a senior expert in Shakespearean studies. His representative publications include Comparative Studies and Poetics in English Literature through the Eyes of Historical Poetics (2010), Shakespeare's Life (2013), and The Way It Was and the Way We Remember (2017; 2nd edition, 2019). On April 10-11, 2019, Zhu Xiaolin interviewed Igor Shaytanov, in Beijing, about the translation and reception of Shakespeare in Russia and China. In this interview, Shaytanov talked about a range of topics, from the translation and circulation of Shakespeare's works, as European literary classics, in Russia through the French versions, Shakespeare's integration into Russian literary consciousness, and the features of Russian translations of his works. He addressed Zhu's questions regarding the similarities and differences in the translation and circulation of Shakespeare in Russia and China and various translation principles as well. Also, he shared his thoughts on the compilation of Shakespeare Encyclopedia and its newly added section for the translation and acceptance of Shakespeare in China.

Key words: Shakespeare, literature translation literature reception, Zhu Shenghao, Shaytanov

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