外国文学研究 ›› 2020, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (2): 121-134.

• 中外文学的交流与互鉴 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2020-04-25 发布日期:2021-02-28
  • 作者简介:张旭春,四川外国语大学英语学院教授,研究领域为英国浪漫主义、西方文论和中西比较诗学。

“Verifying History with Poetry” and “Metaphysical Solace”: A Case Study of Wordsworth's “The Old Cumberland Beggar”

Zhang Xuchun   

  • Online:2020-04-25 Published:2021-02-28
  • About author:Zhang Xuchun is Professor of English Literature and Comparative Literature at Sichuan International Studies University (Chongqing, 400031, China). He has published extensively on English Romanticism, Western literary theory, and comparative poetics. Email: 2536742515@qq.com

内容摘要: 陈寅恪先生所创立的“以诗证史”研究方法堪称20世纪中国文史研究方法论领域的一座丰碑。但由于该方法过分注重诗歌的史料价值,反而遮蔽了诗歌的艺术价值。另外,陈寅恪先生认为该方法不适用于西方诗歌研究,这也是对西方诗歌的误解。华兹华斯《康伯兰的老乞丐》的分析个案表明:第一,“以诗证史”法同样适用于西方诗歌研究;第二,“以诗证史”法具有很高的史学研究价值,但无法揭示伟大诗歌所具有的“形而上学的慰藉”之艺术价值。

关键词: 华兹华斯, 《康伯兰的老乞丐》, 陈寅恪, "以诗证史", "形而上学的慰藉"

Abstract: The methodology of “yi shi zheng shi” (verifying history with poetry) established by Chen Yinque has been acclaimed as a monumental achievement in the Chinese literary and historical studies in the 20th century. Due to its undue emphasis on the historical allusions in poems, however, this methodology inadvertently overlooks the aesthetic value of their poetics. In addition, Chen Yinque's argument that “yi shi zheng shi” cannot be applied to the study of Western poetry seems to be a misconception of Western poetry. An analysis of Wordsworth's “The Old Cumberland Beggar” shows: first, “yi shi zheng shi” can be, and has been, applied to the study of Western poetry; second, this methodology might be quite imperative in historical studies, but it can hardly lay bare the aesthetic value of “metaphysical solace” in great poetry.

Key words: Wordsworth, "metaphysical solace", Chen Yinque, "yi shi zheng shi", "The Old Cumberland Beggar"

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