外国文学研究 ›› 2020, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (2): 135-146.

• 中外文学的交流与互鉴 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2020-04-25 发布日期:2021-02-28
  • 作者简介:杜磊,浙江大学外国语言文化与国际交流学院博士后、助理研究员,主要从事中西戏剧交流、跨文化戏剧与中国戏曲海外译介研究。

Reconstructing History and Performing Civilization: The Chinese Writing about British Plays during the Late 17th Century

Du Lei   

  • Online:2020-04-25 Published:2021-02-28
  • About author:Du Lei is a post-doctoral fellow and an associate research fellow at the School of International Studies, Zhejiang University (Hangzhou 310058, China). His research mainly focuses on China-West theatrical exchanges, cross-cultural drama, as well as the overseas translation and adaptation of Chinese classical dramas. Email: lei.du@zju.edu.cn

内容摘要: 17世纪下半叶,英国戏剧文学中出现中国题材和中国元素乃是中西交流不断扩大与英国戏剧发展的必然产物。《鞑靼人之征服中国》以中国历史为表现对象,通过“雌雄同体”的书写创造了“阿玛梵歌”这一突破英雄剧传统的中国女英雄形象,对崇祯之死的叙演激活了民众对于查理一世之死的集体民族记忆,乌托邦式的结局构设更将中国史转变为了英国政治文化资源。《祭献》将中国地理拓展为名谶预言与国家存亡兴败的哲思,其围绕中国“四大发明”对社会阶层流动的探讨则是西方早期对中国科举原理的戏剧情境化阐释,体现的是英国知识界对中英国家权力结构问题的横向比较与探索。两剧的中国书写分别呈现了重构历史与演述文明的轨迹,都含有深层的政治自我指涉。

关键词: 英国戏剧, 中国书写, 英雄剧, 《鞑靼人之征服中国》, 《祭献》

Abstract: During the late 17th century, “China” emerged in British theatrical literature in the wake of both the ever-widening China-West exchanges and the development of British theater. Taking the contemporary Chinese history as its subject matter, The Conquest of China by the Tartars broke away from the tradition of British heroic play in its androgynic creation of Amavanga, a valiant Chinese Heroine. In performing the demise of Chongzhen, the play activated the British people's collective memory of the execution of Charles I. Its denouement was a utopian rewriting that translated the Chinese history into British political and cultural resource. In Sacrifice, its author expanded Chinese geographical knowledge into name-implying prophecies and philosophical reflections on the rise and fall of the empire. Its discussion of social mobility on the basis of China's Four Inventions offered a dramatic interpretation of the Chinese rules for the imperial examination and evinced the British intelligentsia's attempt to compare and explore the power structures of both nations. The “Chinese Writing” about these two plays followed the trajectories of “reconstructing history” and “performing civilization” respectively and registered in-depth political self-reflections.

Key words: British plays, Chinese Writing, heroic play, The Conquest of China by the Tartars, The Sacrifice

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