外国文学研究 ›› 2018, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (6): 31-41.

• 海外华人文学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2018-12-25 发布日期:2022-05-24
  • 作者简介:陆薇,北京语言大学外国语学部教授,北京外国语大学华裔美国文学研究中心客座研究员,主要研究方向为英美文学、比较文学、文学翻译、英语教育等。
  • 基金资助:

Intertextuality and Palimpsestuousness between Different Texts: Marilyn Chin’s Poem “Turtle Soup” as a Case Study

Lu Wei   

  • Online:2018-12-25 Published:2022-05-24
  • About author:Lu Wei is Professor at Faculty of Foreign Languages, Beijing Language and Culture University (Beijing 100803, China) and guest research fellow at The Research Center for Chinese American Literature in Beijing Foreign Studies University. Her main teaching and research fields are English and American literature, comparative literature, literary translation and English education. Email: weilu1005@163.com
  • Supported by:
    “A Study of Postclassical Narrative Theory and Its Practice” (17XTS24) sponsored by Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities

内容摘要: 作为文学批评的两个重要概念,“互文性”和“覆写性”常被当作同义词,因为二者所追寻的都是一文本与他文本之间的关系。然而,在“求同”和“求异”这两点上两者还是有一些本质的差别:互文关注的是以文本受其前文本意义牵制的衍生意义,而覆写关注的则更多是一文本与他文本偶然相遇之后所产生的新意。正是由于这个差别,“覆写性”将给流散文学研究带来一些新的研究视角和思路,帮助其走出目前面临的研究瓶颈。以华裔美国诗人陈美玲的短诗《乌龟汤》为例论述上述观点提供了一个很好的范例。从上述角度对这首诗的分析显示,在文学研究中我们需要的是“熟悉的陌生感”——既从互文性入手寻求熟悉的传统,又从覆写性出发寻求不同文本相遇后产生的新意。文学研究应不断挣脱已经固化的研究方法的束缚,保持自身“去常规化”的能力,将“同”与“异”的发现互相补充、相互完善。只有当文学与陌生的他者(无论是学科的还是文化的)不期相遇、在碰撞中产生意义的时候,文学的无限生命力才能得以延续。

关键词: 互文性, 覆写, 陈美玲, 《乌龟汤》

Abstract: As two very important concepts of literary theory, “intertextuality” and “palimpsestuousness,” are often taken as synonyms, for what is in common between them is that they both look for the relationship between one text and others. However, the two concepts are different in one crucial aspect: while intertextuality concerns itself more about the meaning(s) of a text that is derived from or influenced by its pre-texts, palimpsestuousness pays more attention to the meaning(s) generated from its interaction with some previously unrelated texts that accidentally encounter each other in one textual space. It is this difference that allows palimpsestuousness to shed some new light on the study of diasporic literature and pull it through the bottleneck it is facing. An analysis of “Turtle Soup”, a short poem written by the Chinese American poet, Marilyn Chin, may illustrate that what we need to explore in literary studies is a sort of “familiar strangeness,” namely, not only searching for the familiar traditions from the perspective of intertexuality, but also the new meanings generated from the unprepared encounter between unrelated texts based on palimpsestuousness. Literary studies should always free itself from the familiar and fossilized research approaches, retain its capacity for denormalization, and ensure a mutual reinforcement and perfection between the newly-discovered “similarity” and “difference”. It is only through the encounter with the unfamiliar other (either disciplinary or cultural) can literary texts sustain their everlasting vitality.

Key words: intertextuality, palimpsestuousness, Marilyn Chin, "Turtle Soup"

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