Foreign Literature Studies ›› 2021, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (4): 40-50.

• Studies in the Contemporariness of the Classic Marxist Ideas of Literature and Art (Section Leader: Duan Jifang) • Previous Articles     Next Articles

The Paradigm Transformation of Semiotic Criticism in Marxist Political Economy

Zhang Bi   

  • Published:2021-08-29
  • About author:Zhang Bi is an associate professor at the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Northwestern University (Xi'an 710127, China), specializing in Marxist theory of literature and Western literature. Email:
  • Supported by:
    “A Study on the Sinicization and Modernization of Classical Marxist Literary Thought” (17ZDA269) sponsored by major tendering projects of the National Social Science Fund of China

Abstract: The semiotic criticism of Marxist political economy has gone through a long process of development. Marx himself denoted his understanding and exploration of signs and phenomena in his political economy. Since then, many Marxists built on that and invoked different modern Semiotic methods in delivering their critique on political economy one after another. Some Marxists, as represented by Lefebvre, applied the Saussurean dualist semiotics to their criticism of political economy and, yet, could not avoid the effect from its metaphysical defects. However, Rossi-Landi and other members of the School of Bari reformed the paradigm of Semiotic criticism on the political economy by using the triadic model of semiosis based on the tradition of the Piercean logic as semiotics and highlighted the emphasis that the semiotic criticism of Marxist political economy placed on the extension of meaning, so as to gain more valuable significance of historical materialism.

Key words: Marxism, political economy, Semiotic criticism, paradigm, transformation

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