Foreign Literature Studies ›› 2021, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (4): 27-39.

• Studies in the Contemporariness of the Classic Marxist Ideas of Literature and Art (Section Leader: Duan Jifang) • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Criticism of Capital Modernity: Cultural Capital and Its Value of Aesthetic Interpretation from Marx's Perspective

Duan Jifang   

  • Published:2021-08-29
  • About author:Duan Jifang is the Executive Associate Dean of the Research Center for Aesthetic Culture and Critical Theory and a professor at the School of Chinese Language and Literature, South China Normal University (Guangzhou 510006, China), specializing in the study of literature and art, aesthetics, and Marxist theory of literature and art. Email:
  • Supported by:
    “A Study on the Sinicization and Modernization of Classical Marxist Literary Thoughts” (17ZDA269) and “Research on the Theoretical Paradigm of Western Marxist Cultural Criticism and Aesthetic Spirit” (17AZW002) sponsored by the National Social Science Fund of China

Abstract: Marx put forward and defined the problem of capital in his theory of historical materialism, and he regarded it as the key issue in determining and affecting the social and cultural reproduction. While putting forward and defining the problem of capital, Marx did not reject or forget sensibility, even aesthetics. Instead, he emphasized the need for the integration of human sensibility and rationality in the process of analyzing the “law of capital movement.” Marx's interpretation of the problem of capital not only laid down the foundation of the critical theory on the capitalist society and culture, but also provided a theoretical and practical opportunity for the later development of cultural critical theory. Capital is not entirely a part of the cold and realistic monetary value. It is also an important dominant factor in the sphere of social and cultural production and reproduction. With this theoretical form, the criticism of capital modernity has come into the vision of contemporary critical theory and generated profound theoretical repercussions.

Key words: Marx, culture capital, reproduction, criticism of capital modernity

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