外国文学研究 ›› 2020, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (5): 16-29.

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Li Feng, Mike Hill   

  • 出版日期:2020-10-25 发布日期:2021-02-26
  • 作者简介:李锋,上海外国语大学犹太研究所教授,主要从事英美文学、犹太文学和西方批评理论研究。麦克·希尔,纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校英语系教授,主要研究领域为种族研究、18世纪写作、公共领域和文化理论。
  • 基金资助:

Reinventing English by Working beyond the Modern Disciplines: An Interview with Mike Hill

Li Feng, Mike Hill   

  • Online:2020-10-25 Published:2021-02-26
  • About author:Li Feng is a professor at the Institute of Jewish Studies, Shanghai International Studies University (Shanghai 200083, China). His research is focused mainly on British and American literature, Jewish literature, and Western critical theories. Email: franklee_1@sina.com; Mike Hill is Professor of English at State University of New York at Albany. His primary research areas include race studies, eighteenth-century writing, public sphere, and cultural theory. Email: mhill@albany.edu
  • Supported by:
    Studies on Alternate History Fictions of Contemporary America: 1945-2015” (17BWW083) sponsored by National Social Science Fund of China

内容摘要: 麦克·希尔,纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校英语教授,著名文学批评家。他的著述丰富,涉及众多命题,包括《白人性:批评读本》(1997)、《群众、阶级与公共领域》(2001)、《白人性之后:还原美国的多数人》(2004)、《另一个亚当·斯密》(2015)等,其中《另一个亚当·斯密》的中译本在中国出版后受到广泛关注。2019年12月,希尔应上海外国语大学文学研究院之邀赴沪讲学,期间接受该校教授李锋的采访。在采访中,希尔谈及自己的跨学科研究之路,涉及白人批评、亚当·斯密、英语小说、战争研究等领域,特别谈到了白人批评的文化意义及其在文学研究中的应用、亚当·斯密同文学叙事之间的关联、英语学科的肇始与发展轨迹,以及未来中国在该学科可能发挥的特殊作用等重要问题。

关键词: 麦克·希尔, 跨学科研究, 种族研究, 白人批评, 亚当·斯密, 18世纪小说

Abstract: Mike Hill is Professor of English at State University of New York at Albany and a renowned literary critic. He has published many books on a wide range of topics, including Whiteness: A Critical Reader (1997), Masses, Classes, and the Public Sphere (2001), After Whiteness: Unmaking an American Majority (2004), and The Other Adam Smith (2015) which, since its translation into Chinese, has been widely acclaimed in the country. In December 2019, during his visit at Shanghai International Studies University at the invitation of the university's Institute of Literary Studies, Hill was interviewed by Li Feng, a professor at SISU. In the interview, Hill reviews his journey of cross-disciplinary studies from white critique to Adam Smith, the English novel, war studies, and beyond. He particularly talks about such important issues as the cultural significance of white critique and its application to literary research, Adam Smith's connections with literary narrative, the origin and development of English as a discipline, and the special role China may play in this discipline in the future.

Key words: Mike Hill, cross-disciplinary studies, race studies, white critique, Adam Smith, eighteen-century novel

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