外国文学研究 ›› 2020, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (5): 1-15.

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Zhang Shengzhen, Leonard Marcus   

  • 出版日期:2020-10-25 发布日期:2021-02-26
  • 作者简介:张生珍,北京语言大学英语学院教授,主要研究领域为外国儿童文学、英美文学和比较文学。雷纳德·马库斯,美国历史学家、儿童文学策展人和评论家,研究领域包括儿童文学批评史和美国文学等,执教于纽约大学和视觉艺术学院。
  • 基金资助:

The Development and Challenge of Children's Literature:An Interview with Leonard Marcus

Zhang Shengzhen, Leonard Marcus   

  • Online:2020-10-25 Published:2021-02-26
  • About author:Zhang Shengzhen is a professor at the School of English Studies, Beijing Language and Culture University (Beijing, China 100083). Her areas of research include children's literature, British and American literature, and comparative literature. Email: zhangshengzhen@blcu.edu.cn; Leonard Marcus is a historian, curator of children's literature and literary critic, specializing in children's literature and American literature. Marcus teaches at New York University and School of Visual Arts. Email: lm@leonardmarcus.com
  • Supported by:
    The National Consciousness and Ethical Education in English Children's Literature” (17AWW008) and “The Translation of International Companion Encyclopedia of Children's Literature and the Study of the History of Criticism on Children's Literature” (19ZDA297) sponsored by the Social Science Fund of China

内容摘要: 雷纳德·马库斯因其开创性写作和展览使他嬴得儿童图书世界性权威和作家美誉。他的作品包括传记、历史故事、访谈录及对塑造儿童文学经典作品的深入探讨,其中多达25部作品获奖。作为艾瑞克·卡尔绘本艺术博物馆的创始人,马库斯在美国纽约公共图书馆筹办了具有标志性意义的展览“基本原理:为什么儿童书籍很重要”。张生珍是由中美富布赖特项目(2019—2020)资助的访问学者,在纽约大学访学期间对马库斯进行了专访。采访内容涉及童年、儿童文学与儿童图书、跨界文学、美国儿童文学等众多问题。马库斯认为儿童文学承载了各民族的集体记忆和文化传承,应该得到重视。美国儿童文学受到英国儿童文学的影响,但是在内战后,美国儿童文学开始独立地发展起来,并逐渐展示其民族特色和影响力。在诸多因素影响下,儿童文学从边缘走向主流文学。这将为儿童文学领域的作家、评论家、教育界和出版界带来更大的挑战和机遇。

关键词: 童年, 儿童文学, 儿童图书, 跨界文学, 美国儿童文学

Abstract: Leonard Marcus's pathfinding writings and exhibitions have earned him acclaim as one of the world's preeminent authorities on children's books and the people who create them. His publications include biographies, histories, interviews, and in-depth studies on works that have become enduring classics in children's literature. 25 of his works won various awards. As a founding trustee of the Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art, Marcus curated the New York Public Library's landmark exhibition, “The ABC of It: Why Children's Books Matter.” Zhang Shengzhen, a Fulbright visiting scholar at New York University (2019—2020), interviewed Marcus on a wide range of topics, including childhood, children's literature, children's books, crossover literature, and American children's literature. Marcus regards children's literature as both a rich repository of collective memory and cultural heritage for each nation. In his view, therefore, it should be taken seriously. American children's literature was influenced by British literature, but it embarked on its own course of independent development after the Civil War and gradually showed its national uniqueness and impact. Thanks to the influence from various factors, children's literature has shaken off its marginal status and become part of the mainstream literature. This will bring greater challenges, as well as more chances, to the writers, critics, educators, and publishers of children's literature.

Key words: childhood, children's literature, children's books, crossover literature, American children's literature

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