外国文学研究 ›› 2020, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (6): 163-174.

• 批评与批评研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2020-12-25 发布日期:2021-02-05
  • 作者简介:张兴宇,青岛科技大学外国语学院副教授,主要从事俄罗斯文学研究。
  • 基金资助:

Debates of Thoughts and Formation of Classics: The Russian Academic Criticism and Reception of War and Peace in the 1860s

Zhang Xingyu   

  • Online:2020-12-25 Published:2021-02-05
  • About author:Zhang Xingyu is an associate professor at the School of Foreign Languages,Qingdao University of Science & Technology (Qingdao 266061, China). His research area is Russian literature. Email: xyzbfsu@163.com
  • Supported by:
    “On the Disciplinary History of Leo Tolstoy Research in China”(19AWW005) sponsored by National Social Science Fund of China;“A Project on the Academic History of Foreign Literature Research”(“On the Academic History of Leo Tolstoy Research”) sponsored by Institute of Foreign Literature of CASS

内容摘要: 19世纪六十年代,随着《战争与和平》陆续出版,有关小说的批评与争鸣也同步出现。其时这一小说的批评与俄罗斯社会思想运动交织在一起,呈现出不同阵营思想交锋和彼此论战的态势,引发了该作品批评史上第一个高潮。相较于后世批评,这一时期的批评对小说所揭示的历史真实、历史观念以及小说体裁等问题各执一词,但对小说的军事叙事和人物塑造艺术等多给予积极评价。囿于时代局限及个人思想视野,这一时期的批评家鲜能深刻理解小说的多种创新,从而导致他们在对相关问题的认识上多有误判。在六十年代多声部批评中,斯特拉霍夫的批评脱颖而出,他以其卓越的审美洞察力确立了小说的经典特质。总体而言,这一时期的小说批评表现出的问题意识及审美敏感性,为推动作品后续研究奠定了重要基础。

关键词: 托尔斯泰, 《战争与和平》, 文学批评, 批评史

Abstract: Along with the serial publication of War and Peace in the 1860s, the criticism, controversy surrounding it appeared simultaneously. During this period, the criticism of the novel coincided with the social ideological movement in Russia, precipitated a situation in which thoughts from different camps confronted, debated with each other, thus facilitating the first wave in the critical history of the novel. As compared to the criticism from later generations, the critics during this period were sharply divided in their assessment of the way in which the novel presented historical truth, concept, handled the novelistic genre as well, but they offered positive comments on the military narrative, the art of characterization in the novel. Given the constraints of the time, the scope of people’s mind, the critics during this period could seldom, if ever, understand deeply the multiple innovations in the novel. This, therefore, led them to frequent misjudgment in their assessment of relevant issues. Amidst the multi-voiced criticism during the1860s, however, the assessment by Strakhov stood out and, thanks to his outstanding aesthetic insight, established the classic characteristics of the novel. As a whole, the problem awareness, aesthetic sensitivity demonstrated in the criticism during this period were imperative in paving the way for the subsequent studies of the novel

Key words: Tolstoy, War and Peace, literary criticism, history of criticism

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