外国文学研究 ›› 2020, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (6): 140-151.

• 美国小说研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2020-12-25 发布日期:2021-02-05
  • 作者简介:吴娟,北京理工大学外国语学院副教授,主要从事现当代美国文学与文学理论研究。

The Construction of the Two-Tiered Mnemonic System in Nabokov's Despair

Wu Juan   

  • Online:2020-12-25 Published:2021-02-05
  • About author:Wu Juan is an associate professor at the School of Foreign Languages, Beijing Institute of Technology (Beijing 100081, China), specializes in the studies of modern and contemporary American literature and literary theory. Email: janewu@pku.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    “Scientific Thoughts and Poetic Construction of Vladimir Nabokov’s Novels” (18BWW045) sponsored by National Social Science Fund of China

内容摘要: 纳博科夫将记忆元素融入到《绝望》的叙述与情节之中,建构了双层记忆系统:第一层达到小说叙事者的个体记忆,第二层则通向互文性记忆,赫尔曼的个体记忆与针对读者的互文性记忆并存。《绝望》中纳博科夫运用暗指、戏仿、风格模仿、反讽等叙事策略,将陀思妥耶夫斯基《双重人格》《地下室手记》《群魔》《罪与罚》等多部小说的叙事艺术融入记忆叙事中,建构具有戏仿、模仿和批评色彩的互文性记忆。读者沿着纳博科夫建构的双层记忆系统前行,从叙事者个体记忆逐渐通往互文性层面的记忆。双层记忆系统背后是纳博科夫与陀思妥耶夫斯的诗学对话与艺术角力。这种复杂的记忆现象对现有记忆研究模式构成了挑战,又为记忆文化研究提供了新的空间。基金项目:国家社科基金一般项目“纳博科夫小说的科学思想与诗学建构研究”(18BWW045)

关键词: 纳博科夫, 陀思妥耶夫斯基, 《绝望》, 互文性, 记忆

Abstract: Nabokov incorporates elements of memory into the narrative, plot of Despair, constructs the two-tiered mnemonic system: the first tier operates with the narrator’s personal memories; the second tier runs in a mode of intertextual memory, through which Hermann’s recollections of the past, the intertextual reminiscences directed at the reader proceed in parallel. In Despair, Nabokov applies several narrative strategies, such as allusion, parody, pastiche, irony, to integrate Dostoevsky’s narrative artistry in The Double, Notes from Underground, The Possessed, Crime, Punishment, into his own memory narrative, work out a series of intertextual memories filled with imitation, parody, critique. The reader may follow the two-tiered mnemonic system built by Nabokov, going through the process of parody, intertextuality, gradually shifting from the narrator’s personal memories to the memories presented at the level of intertextuality. What occurs behind the two-tiered mnemonic system is the poetic dialogue, artistic face-off between Nabokov, Dostoevsky. Such a complicated mnemonic phenomenon poses a challenge to the existing models for mnemonic studies, but provides new room for the research on cultural mnemonics at the same time

Key words: Nabokov, Dostoevsky, Despair, intertextuality, memory

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