外国文学研究 ›› 2020, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (6): 27-40.

• 中外学者对话 • 上一篇    下一篇


皮埃尔∙布吕奈尔, 高佳华   

  • 出版日期:2020-12-25 发布日期:2021-02-05
  • 作者简介:皮埃尔∙布吕奈尔,法兰西人文院院士,文学批评家,索邦大学荣休教授,主要研究领域为比较文学、兰波研究、克洛岱尔研究、神话学。

The Antiquity and Modernity in Rimbaud

By Pierre Brunel Trans, Gao Jiahua   

  • Online:2020-12-25 Published:2021-02-05
  • About author:Pierre Brunel is a member of the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences of France, a literary critic, and an emeritus professor of Sorbonne University, specializing in comparative literature, the studies of Rimbaud and Claudel, and mythology. Email: pierre.brunel@sorbonne-universite.fr

内容摘要: 要求“绝对现代”的兰波始终在寻求古代与现代的完美结合。他在中学阶段擅长古文化和拉丁语诗歌,但一旦发现它们对现代世界的生活没有帮助,便产生了厌倦情绪。此后,在法语诗歌创作中,他在格律上进行创新,在内容上则利用古代文本进行现代式讽刺。他在《地狱一季》中融入《奥德赛》的内容,借古代元素追求绝对的现代。在《彩图集》中,他通过改造古代神话,扩大了语言能指,实现了诗歌形式与内容的绝对现代。然而真正的现代性不仅在于诗歌,还在于生命本身。因此兰波从古代走向现代,目的在于从已知走向未知,走向自由和新曙光,走向真正的现代性。

关键词: 古代, 现代, 诗歌, 兰波

Abstract: Driven by his desire to be “absolutely modern”, Rimbaud sought for the perfect integration between antiquity, modernity persistently. During his years in middle school, Rimbaud was gifted for the study of ancient cultures, Latin poetry, but he became weary of them once he found out that they were useless in life of the modern world. From then on, while writing his poetry in French, he started a series of innovations in poetic rules, forms and, in content, took advantage of ancient texts in delivering his satires with a modern twist. In A Season of Hell, he assimilated some elements from The Odyssey in order to pursue a sort of absolute modernity through something antique. In the Illuminations, he managed to expand the meaning of language, install the absolute modernity in both poetic form, content through his adaptation of ancient myths. However, the real modernity does not appear in poetry only; it also lies in life itself. Hence one can see that Rimbaud’s move from antiquity to modernity is actually a journey from the known to the unknown, to freedom, a new dawn, ultimately to true modernity

Key words: antique, modern, poetry, Rimbaud

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