外国文学研究 ›› 2020, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (6): 1-15.

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Cheng Xin & Ruth Bernard Yeazell   

  • 出版日期:2020-12-25 发布日期:2021-02-05
  • 作者简介:程心,上海外国语大学英语学院副教授,主要研究领域为19世纪末与20世纪初英美小说和女性文学。露丝∙伯纳德∙叶泽尔,耶鲁大学斯特林讲座教授,研究领域包括18世纪到20世纪小说、性别和性史、文学与艺术的关系等。
  • 基金资助:

Western Literature and Visual Arts: An Interview with Ruth Bernard Yeazell

Cheng Xin & Ruth Bernard Yeazell   

  • Online:2020-12-25 Published:2021-02-05
  • About author:Cheng Xin is an associate professor at the School of; Studies, Shanghai International Studies University (Shanghai 200083, China). Her research interests are mainly in the late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century English and American fiction and women's writing.Email: chengxin@shisu.edu.cn; Ruth Bernard Yeazell is Sterling Professor of English at Yale University. Her research and teaching focus on the novel from the eighteenth to the twentieth centuries, gender and the history of sexuality, and the relation of literature to the visual arts.Email: ruth.yeazell@yale.edu
  • Supported by:
    “A Study of the Late Nineteenth-Century and Early Twentieth-Century American Fiction from the Perspective of New Materialism”(17BWW068) sponsored by The National Social Science Fund of China

内容摘要: 露丝∙伯纳德∙叶泽尔现任耶鲁大学斯特林讲座教授, 是美国艺术与科学学院院士。叶泽尔教授著有众多的专著、论文和书评, 是18世纪到20世纪小说、性别和性史以及文学与视觉艺术关系的专家。近年来, 叶泽尔教授出版的专著包括《精神的后宫:西方艺术和文学的旅程》(2000)、《日常生活的艺术:荷兰画和现实主义小说》(2008)和《画题:西方画作提名的奥秘》(2015)。其中, 《画题》被列为《纽约客》2015年度人们喜爱书籍之一。受《外国文学研究》委托, 程心在耶鲁大学英语系从事富布莱特研究项目期间, 采访了叶泽尔教授。访谈话题包括图像转向、西方对后宫的语言和视觉表征、荷兰绘画与现实主义的关系、画作标题的重要性以及文学和视觉艺术教学的途径。

关键词: 西方文学, 艺术, 语言, 视觉

Abstract: Ruth Bernard Yeazell is Sterling Professor of English at Yale University, a fellow of the American Academy of Arts, Sciences. Author of numerous books, articles, reviews, Professor Yeazell is an expert on the novel from the eighteenth to the twentieth centuries, the history of gender, sexuality, the relations of literature to visual arts. Her recent publications include Harems of the Mind: Passages of Western Art, Literature, Art of the Everyday: Dutch Painting, the Realist Novel, Picture Titles: How, Why Western Paintings Acquired Their Names. Picture Titles was listed as “One of The New Yorker’s ‘The Books We Loved in2015’.” Cheng Xin, while working as a Fulbright visiting researcher at Yale, interviewed Professor Yeazell on behalf of Foreign Literature Studies. This interview focuses on the pictorial turn, Western verbal, visual representations of the harem, the connection between Dutch painting, realism, the significance of picture titles, as well as approaches to teaching literature, visual arts

Key words: Western literature, art, verbal, visual

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