外国文学研究 ›› 2020, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (4): 161-171.

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  • 出版日期:2020-08-25 发布日期:2021-02-25
  • 作者简介:胡俊,北京语言大学英语学院教授,主要研究方向为英美小说和美国少数族裔文学。
  • 基金资助:
    北京语言大学梧桐创新平台项目“跨国视野下国别文化、文学研究”(18PT05); 北京语言大学院级科研项目(中央高校基本科研业务专项资金)(19YJ020013)

The Performed Home in Jhumpa Lahiri's The Namesake

Hu Jun   

  • Online:2020-08-25 Published:2021-02-25
  • About author:Hu Jun is a professor at the School of English Studies, Beijing Language and Culture University (Beijing 100089, China). Her major research interests include British and American fiction and American ethnic literature. Email: hujun1919@hotmail.com
  • Supported by:
    The Phoenix Tree Innovation Platform Project, “Regional Culture and Literature Studies from the Transnational Perspective” (18PT05) sponsored by The Phoenix Tree Innovation Platform Project, Beijing Language and Culture University; The Research Program of the School of English, Beijing Language and Culture University (19YJ020013) sponsored by Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities

内容摘要: 印度裔美国作家裘帕·拉希莉在她的代表作《同名人》中对家提出了新的理解:那就是家不是一个有着固定内核、永恒不变的抽象概念,而是可以不断被生成和建构的具体实践,属于家的归属感可以在操演中生成。一方面,印度裔美国移民通过对文化习俗的操演保持和传统种文化的关联或者进入到新的文化,从而获得归属感;但是另一方面,他们又打破传统的家的模式,让家总是处在流动和建构的过程中。拉希莉笔下的家不是扎根于一处,而是往返于不同地方,新的家园能够吸收原来家园的养分,但是又将触角伸向新的土壤不断延展。拉希莉因而拒绝本质主义下的家园,她欢迎的是开放的家园。

关键词: 裘帕·拉希莉, 《同名人》, 家, 操演性, 建构

Abstract: Jhumpa Lahiri, the Indian American writer, presents a new understanding of home in her representative work, The Namesake, that is, home is not an unchanging abstract concept with its fixed inner core, but a concrete practice that could be incessantly generated and constructed. Moreover, the sense of belonging pertaining to home may be achieved in performativity. On the one hand, by performing cultural customs, Indian American immigrants try to maintain their connection with the traditional culture or assimilate themselves into the new culture so as to gain a sense of belonging, but on the other hand they break up the traditional mode of home and put home in a process of perpetual motion and construction. The home depicted by Lahiri does not take root in one place, but moves between different places instead. A new home can absorb the nutrition from the old one, but it would reach out into the new soil for its unremitting extension. Therefore, Lahiri rejects the essentialist vision of home. What she welcomes, instead, is an open home.

Key words: Lahiri, The Namesake, home, performativity, construction

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