外国文学研究 ›› 2020, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (4): 149-160.

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  • 出版日期:2020-08-25 发布日期:2021-02-25
  • 作者简介:谢敏敏,湖南师范大学外国语学院博士研究生,湖南师范大学语言与文化研究院教师,主要研究方向为英美文学。
  • 基金资助:
    国家社科基金重大项目“20世纪美国文学思想研究”(14ZDB088); 湖南省社科基金项目“20世纪20年代至40年代美国小说家的文学思想研究”(14JD41)

George Santayana's Poetic Practice of Naturalistic Philosophy

Xie Minmin   

  • Online:2020-08-25 Published:2021-02-25
  • About author:Xie Minmin is a doctoral student of British and American Literature at the School of Foreign Languages and a teacher at the Research Institute of Languages and Cultures, Hunan Normal University, Changsha, China (410081). His research is mainly focused on English and American literature. Email: minshinedream@163.com
  • Supported by:
    Research on American Literary Thought in the Twentieth Century”(14JD41) sponsored by the major project of The National Social Science Fund of China; “Research on American Novelists' Literary Thoughts from the 1920s to 1940s” (14ZDB088) sponsored by Hunan Social Science Fund Project

内容摘要: 桑塔亚纳身兼哲学家、诗人、小说家等多重身份,在多个领域都取得了杰出成就。他的思想体系宏大,具有多样性和丰富性的特征。他一直致力于诗学和哲学的贯通与融合,为哲学诗歌的发展做出了积极的贡献。作为本体论自然主义的推崇者,桑塔亚纳将自然视为知识的根本来源和思维的起点,反对人类权威凌驾于自然之上,并否定超自然实体。同时,桑塔亚纳的诗学也表现出了经验和理性的调和,这不仅赋予了诗歌稳定的情感框架和深刻的意蕴,也有效地避免走入经验主义和唯理主义的极端。在19世纪向20世纪转型时期,桑塔亚纳自然主义哲学的诗学实践为当时沉闷的诗歌创作环境和哲学氛围带来了新风。

关键词: 桑塔亚纳, 诗化哲学, 自然主义, 经验, 理性

Abstract: George Santayana had multiple identities as a philosopher, poet, and novelist, who made great achievements in several fields. His system of thought is profound and characterized by diversity and richness. He dedicated himself, all along, to initiating the integration and fusion between poetics and philosophy and made a positive contribution to the development of philosophical poetry. As a proponent of ontological naturalism, Santayana regarded nature as the fundamental source of knowledge and the starting point of thinking, opposed the supremacy of human authority over nature, and dismissed the verifiability of supernatural entities. In the meantime, Santayana's poetics exhibits a reconciliation between experience and reason, which not only endows his poetry with a stable emotional framework and deep implication, but also effectively prevents it from going to the extremes of empiricism and rationalism. During the transitional period from the 19th century to the 20th century, Santayana's poetic practice of naturalistic philosophy brought some fresh air to the dreary environment of poetic writing and philosophical atmosphere at that time.

Key words: Santayana, poetic philosophy, naturalism, experience, reason

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