外国文学研究 ›› 2020, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (4): 137-148.

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  • 出版日期:2020-08-25 发布日期:2021-02-25
  • 作者简介:宋志明,北京师范大学汉语文化学院副教授,主要从事外国文学文化、汉语国际教育研究。
  • 基金资助:

The Sociopolitical Imagination in Soyinka's Season of Anomy

Song Zhiming   

  • Online:2020-08-25 Published:2021-02-25
  • About author:Song Zhiming is an associate professor at the College of Chinese Language and Culture, Beijing Normal University (Beijing, 100875, China). His major research fields are foreign literature and culture and teaching Chinese to speakers of other languages. Email: songzhiming1006@163.com
  • Supported by:
    A Study of the Nigerian Writer Wole Soyinka” (17BWW087) sponsored by the National Social Science Fund of China

内容摘要: 尼日利亚作家沃莱·索因卡的长篇小说《反常的季节》描绘了一个公社制的乌托邦,并把神话结构和季节的周期性循环嵌入文本叙事,但这种创造性的叙事方式没有很好地与小说的政治主题相融合,政治理想的稀薄、抽象与丰富的宗教、神话、仪式以及从传统中抽象出的“再生哲学”等因素相分离,理想社会的建构最终消解为一种象征性的神话拯救,社会再生的力量寄托于大自然的周期性循环。尽管被批评为一部“失败之作”,但这部左翼小说表明马克思主义的意识形态和共产主义曾经是非洲社会道路的选项之一,展示了非洲知识分子为寻求社会变革而进行探索的另一种方向。

关键词: 索因卡, 《反常的季节》, 乌托邦, 神话, “再生哲学”

Abstract: Nigerian writer Wole Soyinka's novel, Season of Anomy, depicts a communal utopia and embeds the mythical structure and seasonal cycle into the textual narrative, but such a creative narrative mode fails to blend well with the political theme of the novel. The political ideals are flimsy and abstract, separated from other ample factors, such as religion, mythology, ritual, and the “philosophy of regeneration” extracted from traditions. The construction of an ideal society is eventually dissolved into a symbolic mythical salvation. The power of social regeneration hinges upon the cycle of nature. Despite being criticized as a “work of failure”, this left-wing novel not only shows that Marxist ideology and communism used to be one of the options for the social development in Africa, but also reveals another direction in which African intellectuals could explore and pursue their social reform.

Key words: Soyinka, Season of Anomy, utopia, myth, “philosophy of regeneration”

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