外国文学研究 ›› 2020, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (4): 1-10.

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钱林森, 阿尔诺·维维昂   

  • 出版日期:2020-08-25 发布日期:2021-02-25
  • 作者简介:钱林森,南京大学文学院教授,主要从事比较文学和跨文化研究。阿尔诺·维维昂,法国作家、批评家及《查理》(Charles)杂志主编。

Étiemble's Europe of China: A Dialogue between a Chinese Scholar and a French Scholar

Qian Linsen, Arnaud Viviant   

  • Online:2020-08-25 Published:2021-02-25
  • About author:Qian Linsen is a professor at the School of Liberal Arts, Nanjing University (Nanjing 210093). His research focuses on comparative literature and cross-cultural studies. Email: qls1937@126.com; Arnaud Viviant is a French writer, critic, and editor-in-chief of Charles. Email: arnaudviviant1@gmail.com

内容摘要: 2016年3月31日,钱林森教授应法国驻华使馆文化处之邀,与法国作家、批评家、文学政治批评杂志《查理》(Charles)主编阿尔诺·维维昂(Arnaud Viviant)先生就法国已故世纪学者艾田蒲与中国为中心话题,在北京法国文化中心对谈。谈兴未尽,翌日(4月1日)清晨,二人又在下榻的同一宾馆北京光明饭店接着这一话题聚谈,并一致商定:由钱林森依据两次交谈的内容,进行梳理,提炼出12个问题,再寄给他回答、补充。在杨振、全志刚和许玉婷的大力协助下,经几度往返互动,最终修订、成就了这篇法、中两个文本的对谈文稿。在这篇文稿中,钱林森教授与维维昂先生从学术贡献、学术理想与研究视角等几个方面回顾了艾田蒲教授的学术生涯,并以其著作《中国之欧洲》为切入点,就中国形象、西方中心主义、世界文化观、比较文学方法论以及中国文学的世界文学坐标等问题进行了深入交流。

关键词: 艾田蒲, 中国形象, 欧洲中心主义, 比较文学方法论, 世界文学

Abstract: On March 31, 2016, at the invitation from the Cultural Affairs Office of the French Embassy in China, Professor Qian Linsen had a dialogue with Arnault Vivian, the French writer, critic, and editor-in-chief of Charles, a journal of literary and political criticism, about a series of issues related to the late French scholar, René Étiemble (1909-2002), and China at the Center of French Culture in Beijing. On the early morning of the following day (April 1), they met again at Guangming Hotel, where they stayed, for a second round of pleasant discussion about the topic. Also, they reached an agreement on the following: Qian would sort out 12 questions based on their two conversations and then send them to Vivian for response and feedback. With the great help from Yang Zhen, Quan Zhigang, and Xu Yuting, the transcript of their dialogue was produced, revised, and finalized both in Chinese and French after several consultations. In this text of their dialogue, Qian and Vivian reviewed Étiemble's academic career based on his scholarly achievements, ideals, and perspectives. Also, taking his book L'Europe chinioise (Europe of China) as the starting point, they conducted an in-depth exchange of their views on a range of issues, such as the image of China, Eurocentrism, the concept of world culture, the methodology of comparative literature, and the Chinese literature's coordinate of Weltliteratur (world literature).

Key words: Étiemble, the image of China, Eurocentrism, the methodology of comparative literature, world literature

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