外国文学研究 ›› 2019, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (1): 63-73.

• 英国文学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2019-02-25 发布日期:2022-05-18
  • 作者简介:金佳,浙江大学外国语言文化与国际交流学院博士生,主要从事英国文学研究。

“Garden” Fugue: A Cultural Reflection in Byatt’s“Morpho Eugenia”

Jin Jia   

  • Online:2019-02-25 Published:2022-05-18
  • About author:Jin Jia is a Ph. D. candidate at School of International Studies, Zhejiang University (Hangzhou 310058, China); her primary research interest is the study of English literature. Email: stothia@163.com

内容摘要: 长期以来,中外学者对拜厄特文化观念的研究主要集中在历史叙事和女性主义视角,作者对他者(对他人、社会、民族、自然环境)的关怀意识却没有引起学界足够的重视,尤其是作品中反复出现的“花园”意象,至今少有学者问津。其实,“花园”不仅承载了英国民族的历史想象和文化认同,还有机地融合了作者对社会、艺术、自然、科学的整体文化思辨。在《尤金尼娅蝴蝶》中,拜厄特通过对“理想的英格兰花园”和“忧郁的热带丛林”双重花园的推敲,谱写了一曲围绕英格兰特性展开的“花园”赋格。“忧郁”与“理想”如同其中的对位声部,在不断的复现与变奏中实现了对生命价值和文化观念的追问与反思。由此,作者揭示了负面美学对个体蜕变和民族重生的重要意义。

关键词: 花园赋格, A.S. 拜厄特, 《尤金尼娅蝴蝶》, 文化反思

Abstract: The academics at home and abroad have long been focusing on the historical and feminist perspectives in the study of Byatt’s cultural ideas, while overlooking the writer’s great concern over the “other” (the other people, society, nation, and nature), and in particular, showing little interest in the recurrent garden image in Byatt’s work. This image, in effect, not only bears English historical imagination and cultural identity, but integrates the writer’s cultural reflection on society, art, nature and science. This article therefore aims to explore the cultural connotation of the garden image in Byatt’s novella “Morpho Eugenia.” In her critique of the garden duet between the “ideal English garden” and the “triste tropical jungles”, Byatt composes a piece of “Garden Fugue” on Englishness in two contrapuntal voices of “ideal” and “triste”, thus constructing an inquiry and a reflection of life values and cultural ideas and revealing the impact of the negative aesthetic experience upon individual metamorphosis and national rejuvenation.

Key words: "Garden" Fugue, A. S. Byatt, "Morpho Eugenia", cultural reflection

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