外国文学研究 ›› 2018, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (6): 164-173.

• 批评与批评研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


张文曦, 乔国强   

  • 出版日期:2018-12-25 发布日期:2022-05-24
  • 作者简介:张文曦,广东财经大学外国语学院讲师,上海外国语大学外国语言文学博士后科研流动站博士后,研究方向为西方文论;乔国强,上海外国语大学英语学院教授、博士生导师,教育部“长江学者”特聘教授,研究方向为英美文学、叙事学和西方文论。
  • 基金资助:
    国家社科基金青年项目“17、18世纪莎士比亚经典化问题研究”(15CWW019),教育部人文社科青年项目“诺斯罗普·弗莱在西方的经典化问题研究”(18YJC752051),广东财经大学 2014 年度国家级青年培育项目“神话-原型视域下的加拿大诗歌评论研究”(14GJPY74001)

The Canonization and Canonicity of Literary Theory: Northrop Fry in the West

Zhang Wenxi, Qiao Guoqiang   

  • Online:2018-12-25 Published:2022-05-24
  • About author:Zhang Wenxi is lecturer at Guangdong University of Finance & Economics (Guangzhou 510320, China). Her research focuses on Western literary theory and Northrop Frye. Email: polaris0418@126.com; Qiao Guoqiang is professor and Ph. D. supervisor at Shanghai International Studies University (Shanghai 200083, China). His research focuses on British and American literature, narratology and Western literary theory. Email: qiaoguoqiang@163.com.
  • Supported by:
    “Research on Canonization of William Shakespeare in 17-18 Century” (15CWWO19) sponsored by National Social Science Fund of China; “Research on Canonization of Northrop Frye in the West” (18YJC752051) sponsored by the Ministry of Education; “Research on English-Canadian Poetry under the View of Mytho-archetypical theory” (14GJPY74001) sponsored by Guangdong University of Finance & Economics

内容摘要: 理论的经典化问题始终无法逃脱本质主义与建构主义的争论,而在不同经典理论合法化的个案中寻求其诞生的规则,看似是搁置争议的有效办法之一。诺斯罗普·弗莱的代表作《批评的剖析》作为西方文论的经典著作,自1950年代开始受到不同国家学者的热议和追捧,相关研究重心随着西方理论思想的变迁,几经沉浮。弗莱思想的经典化路径主要从走入经典和“去经典化”两方面语境中得以重现,同时能够展现其思想在西方的兴衰以及这种转变的内在逻辑和时代内涵。此外,在理论爆炸过后的当今西方文论界,弗莱思想中的人文主义倾向是其保持读者群延续和经典地位的重要原因,同时也很好地阐释了经典理论在不同历史维度下绽放经典性的辩证法则。

关键词: 经典化, 去经典化, 经典性, 诺斯罗普·弗莱, 人文主义

Abstract: The controversy of theoretical canonization is essentially a dispute between essentialism and constructivism. Nevertheless, one effective way to suspend the dispute is to search for specific principlesof belief in individual cases. As one of the most important works in Western theoretical cannon, Northrop Frye’s The Anatomy of Criticism was hotly debated among scholars ever sincethe 1950s. The focus of the discussion shifts with the development of Western literary theory. The process of Frye’s canonization can be categorized in two stages of “canonization” and “decanonization,” which, corresponding to the rise and decline of his theory’s reception,is indicative of the change of the logicof Western critical thought. In the time of “after theory,” the humanistic inclination in Frye’s theory maintains its readership andensures its canonical position in the culturalinstitution.

Key words: canonization, decanonization, canonicity, Northrop Frye, humanism

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