外国文学研究 ›› 2018, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (6): 103-114.

• 文学伦理学批评 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2018-12-25 发布日期:2022-05-24
  • 作者简介:池水涌,文学博士,华中师范大学外国语学院教授,主要从事韩国文学与比较文学研究。

Ethical Predicament and Ethical Choice in the Love Ballads of the Goryeo Dynasty

Chi Shuiyong   

  • Online:2018-12-25 Published:2022-05-24
  • About author:Chi Shuiyong, Ph. D. in Literature, is professor at the School of Foreign Language and Literature, Central China Normal University (Wuhan 430079, China), specializing in Korea literature and comparative literature. Email: chishuiyong@163.com

内容摘要: 高丽爱情歌谣是高丽国语歌谣的重要组成部分。高丽爱情歌谣以妇女为抒情主人公,表现了她们在父权制伦理秩序下的伦理困境与伦理选择。高丽爱情歌谣抒情主人公遇到的伦理困境,是夫君或心上人的离去或一去不返。面对这种伦理困境,她们曾以挽留或哀求来表达自己的伦理诉求,但在大多数情况下这种伦理诉求很难改变无情的现实。面对无法解决的伦理困境,她们所能做出的伦理选择便是对悲剧现实的忍耐与坚守。在这个意义上,高丽爱情歌谣与其说是倾诉男女爱恋之情的爱情歌谣,不如说是抒发弃妇或痴情女之悲情的爱情悲歌。高丽爱情歌谣所表现的爱情悲剧,并不是抒情主人公个体的爱情悲剧,而是那个时代妇女群体的社会伦理悲剧。值得一提的是,高丽爱情歌谣抒情主人公的伦理诉求与伦理选择中蕴含着“恨”这一朝鲜民众特有的文化心理,它为高丽爱情歌谣赋予了其特有的伦理价值与美学意蕴。

关键词: 高丽爱情歌谣, 伦理困境, 伦理诉求, 伦理选择

Abstract: As an important branch of the ballads of the Goryeo Dynasty, love ballads are known for the presentation of women’s ethical predicament and ethical choices in the patriarchal society. Faced with leaving or the long absence of their lovers, the heroines’ choice is to beg for their stay which, more often than not, turns out to be futile. Unable to find the solution to their predicament, they choose to accept tragic reality with endurance and perseverance. The love ballads—although the term of love elegy might be more appropriate-- represent the social tragedy of women in the Goryeo Dynasty. What is worth mentioning is that the ethical predicament and ethical choices convey a strong sense of “resentment”, a unique feature of the cultural psychology among the Korean people, and instills a special ethical value and aesthetic implication into the love ballads.

Key words: Goryeo Love Ballads, ethical predicament, ethical choices

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