外国文学研究 ›› 2018, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (4): 35-46.

• 文化观念流变中的英国文学典籍研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


徐晓东, 陈礼珍   

  • 出版日期:2018-08-25 发布日期:2022-05-23
  • 作者简介:徐晓东,文学博士,杭州师范大学教授,主要研究英国文学;陈礼珍,文学博士,杭州师范大学教授,主要研究文学伦理学批评、叙事学与小说阐释。
  • 基金资助:
    国家社科基金重大项目“文化观念流变中的英国文学典籍研究”(12&ZD172); 第50批“教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金”(10407815001)

The Cultivation of the Mind and the Light of Wisdom in British Literature

Xu Xiaodong, Chen Lizhen   

  • Online:2018-08-25 Published:2022-05-23
  • About author:Xu Xiaodong, Ph. D. in Literature, is Professor at School of Foreign Languages, Hangzhou Normal University (Hangzhou 311121, China). His current research interests include early modern English literature. Email: xxd775@163.com; Chen Lizhen, Ph. D. in Literature, is Professor at School of Foreign Languages, Hangzhou Normal University (Hangzhou 311121, China). His current research interests include ethical literary criticism, study of fiction and narrative theory. Email: chenleezhen@163.com
  • Supported by:
    “English Literature in the Midst of Changes in the Idea of Culture” (12&ZD172), sponsored by National Social Science Fund of China; sponsored by the Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, State Education Ministry(10407815001)

内容摘要: 文学之力出自对人类心智与记忆的培养。词源上看,心智与记忆实为同一,而心智本性脆弱,完善的道德心智需多渠道才智历练。在中世纪,心智培养强调融入群体生活对于性格培养的重要意义,以及研读文学形成高尚的生活准则。到了约翰•洛克时代,心智的内涵扩展到理解力、理性以及才智三个方面。至此心智培育既成为文化的基本内涵,又是文化的重要旨归。在英国文化观念流变史的各个阶段,心智培养概念有不同侧重,早期强调积累个人处世智慧,后来转换到寻找知识智慧,贯穿其中的强烈文化冲动是追求心灵智慧的达成,是对国家和人类文明前景的深刻关怀。处世智慧、知识智慧和心灵智慧恰如三足鼎立,它们的全面发展构成英国历史上心智培育的完整要义。

关键词: 心智, 培育, 智慧, 文化

Abstract: The power of literature lies in the cultivation of the mind and memory. Etymologically, the word mind is derived from gemynd (memory), which implies that mind is weak and feeble in nature. The cultivation of the moral power of the mind entails various means of intellectual training. In the Middle Ages, a great emphasis is laid on the significance of community life in the formation of character, and on the study of literature in the observation of the conduct. In the era of John Locke, the connotations of mind are extended including the faculties of apprehension and reason, or intellect. The implication of cultivation of the mind is shifted to the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom for the nourishment of the mind. That's how the cultivation of the mind becomes the basic connotation and the ultimate aim of culture. During the different stages of British society, the implication of the cultivation of mind varies. The emphasis on the worldly wisdom at the early stage is shifted to the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom in later period. Nevertheless, The combination of worldly wisdom, knowledge and spiritual wisdom makes up the whole meaning of the cultivation of mind.

Key words: mind, cultivation, wisdom, culture

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