外国文学研究 ›› 2018, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (4): 156-166.

• 批评与批评研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


李家宝, 黄忠顺   

  • 出版日期:2018-08-25 发布日期:2022-05-23
  • 作者简介:李家宝,长江大学文学院教授,主要从事世界文学与比较文学的教学与研究;黄忠顺,东莞理工学院教授,主要从事中国现当代文学教学与研究。

Acceptance of Dushechka and Tolstoy's Interpretation in China

Li Jiabao, Huang Zhongshun   

  • Online:2018-08-25 Published:2022-05-23
  • About author:Li Jiabao is professor at Liberal Arts College, Yangtze University (Jingzhou 434023, China). His research interests mainly are comparative literature and world literature. Email: 934907694@qq.com; Huang Zhongshun is professor at Liberal Arts College, Dongguan University of Technology (Dongguan 523808, China). His research interests mainly lie in modem and contemporary Chinese literature. Email: hzsyx16@163.com

内容摘要: 《宝贝儿》及托尔斯泰赋意在中国的接受,由作为新文化运动激进思潮之组成部分的妇女解放主题开启,在作为鼓动全民抗战之组成部分的妇女解放问题探讨中延续,并在需要大量劳动力投入经济建设而鼓励女性成为社会化主体的背景下,借助社会主义现实主义理念得以拓展。虽然在激进文化思潮消退,战时动员稍息的1940年晚期的国统区曾有过回归文学的接受视野,但托尔斯泰赋意却是一路遭遇批判,待到托尔斯泰赋意获得认同的时候,作为劳动力参与提升GDP速度的妇女解放红利已然远去。不过,这时候仍有女性主义将批判锋芒甚至指向《宝贝儿》及其作者的男性价值导向。

关键词: 契诃夫, 《宝贝儿》, 托尔斯泰, 中国接受

Abstract: Dushechka and Leo Tolstoy's interpretation were introduced into China, as part of women's liberation movement, in accordance with the radical ideology of New Culture Movement. The discussion of Tolstoy's interpretation was then contextualized in the study of women's liberation in the nationwide anti-Japanese war. The implications of Tolstoy's interpretation in China were then expanded, together with the idea of socialist realism, in response to the social reality that women were encouraged to be the major labor force ineconomic development. Although in the late 1940 sthere was a literary trend emphasizing on the aesthetic function of literature in Kuomintang-controlled areas, Tolstoy's interpretation was criticized. When Tolstoy's interpretation was eventually recognized, criticism was directed towards Dushechka and the author's partriarchal perspective.

Key words: A. P. Chekhov, Dushechka, L. N. Tolstoy, acceptance in China

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