外国文学研究 ›› 2020, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (6): 85-94.

• 俄罗斯戏剧研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2020-12-25 发布日期:2021-02-05
  • 作者简介:赵晓彬,哈尔滨师范大学斯拉夫语学院教授、黑龙江大学俄罗斯语言文学与文化研究基地兼职研究员,主要从事俄罗斯文学与文论研究。
  • 基金资助:
    教育部人文社科规划基金项目“20世纪20年代俄苏文艺转型时期‘谢拉皮翁兄弟’文学革新研究”(19YJA752029); 黑龙江省社会科学规划基金项目“什克洛夫斯基文学批评研究”(20WWD223)

Metadramatic Features of Lev Lunts' The Apes Are Coming

Zhao Xiaobin   

  • Online:2020-12-25 Published:2021-02-05
  • About author:Zhao Xiaobin is a professor at the School of Slavic Languages and Literatures,Harbin Normal University (Harbin 150025, China) and an adjunct research fellow at the Research Center for Russian Language, Literature, and Culture, Heilongjiang University (Harbin 150080, China), specializes in Russian literature and literary theory. Email:zhxb2000@163.com
  • Supported by:
    “A Study of Serapion Brothers’ Literary Innovation during the Period of Russian-Soviet Transformation in Literature and Art in the 1920s” (19YJA752029) sponsored by Fund of Humanities and Social Sciences of Chinese Ministry of Education; “A Study of Shklovsky’s Literary Criticism” (20WWD223) sponsored by Research Fund of Heilongjiang.

内容摘要: 《猿猴来了!》是20世纪二十年代俄苏文艺转型时期“谢拉皮翁兄弟”团体中最年轻、最有才华的作家隆茨创作的一部实验性戏剧。剧中明显地分布着主剧和辅剧两个情节线索:正在排演的辅剧交织在主剧之中,或内戏交织在外戏之中。这表明隆茨的戏剧创作已走向戏剧体裁实验的重要一步,即试图以“剧中剧”(或“戏中戏”)的全新方式呈现戏剧与生活的戏仿关系。作为俄罗斯第一部元戏剧,《猿猴来了!》的创作意识与阿贝尔和霍恩比关于“戏中戏”、“自我指涉”、“文学对现实生活的指涉”等元戏剧理论不谋而合。

关键词: 隆茨, 《猿猴来了!》, 元戏剧, 戏中戏, 自我指涉

Abstract: The Apes Are Coming is an experimental play by Lev Lunts, the youngest and most talented writer among the “Serapion Brothers” during the period of Russian-Soviet transformation in literature and art during the 1920s. The play clearly runs on a double-layered plot with a primary play and a secondary play as well: the secondary play, which is being rehearsed, is interwoven into the primary one, or, rather, the inner play is entwined with the outer play. This indicates Lunts’ significant step in experimenting with theatrical genres, namely, an attempt at “a play within a play” (or “a drama within a drama”) as a brand new way of representing the parodic relationship between life and drama. As the first Russian metadramatic play, the creative idea of The Apes Are Coming! coincides with the theoretical concepts regarding metatheatre presented by Lionel Abel and Richard Hornby, such as “a play within a play”, “self-reference”, and “literary and real-life reference”.

Key words: Lunts, The Apes Are Coming, metadrama, a play within a play, self-reference

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