外国文学研究 ›› 2020, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (5): 166-176.

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  • 出版日期:2020-10-25 发布日期:2021-02-26
  • 作者简介:王晓宇,中国社会科学院外国文学研究所助理研究员,主要从事俄罗斯文学研究。

Soul and Memory: The Writing about Central Asia in Platonov's and Aitmatov's Fiction

Wang Xiaoyu   

  • Online:2020-10-25 Published:2021-02-26
  • About author:Wang Xiaoyu is an assistant researcher at the Institute of Foreign Literature Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (Beijing 100732, China). Her research is primarily focused on Russian literature. Email: wangxiaoyu@cass.org.cn

内容摘要: 在文坛高度意识形态化的苏联时期,俄罗斯族作家普拉东诺夫和吉尔吉斯族作家艾特玛托夫,分别在《章族人》和《风雪小站》中围绕灵魂和记忆主题对中亚这一地理空间展开文学想象。前者对虚构的中亚章族人抱以尊重的态度,并为身为返乡者和拯救者的恰噶塔耶夫安排了被章族人“同化”的结局;后者则围绕象征民族记忆传承中断的传统父辈和现代子辈的分化展开叙事。中亚少数族裔的文化记忆和传统被割裂,随之而来的是日渐严重的身份认同危机。

关键词: 普拉东诺夫, 艾特玛托夫, 中亚书写, 文化记忆, 身份认同

Abstract: During the Soviet period when its literary canon was highly ideologicalized, the Russian writer Platonov and the Kyrgyz writer Aitmatov played up, respectively, their literary imaginations about the geographical space of Central Asia around the theme of soul and memory in Soul and The Day Lasts More Than a Hundred Years. The former holds a respectful attitude toward the fictional Zhang people in Central Asia and concludes with the assimilation of Chagataev, who is both a returnee and savior, by the Zhang people; the latter unfolds its narrative around the alienation between the traditional fathers and their modern offsprings, which symbolizes the disruption in passing on the national memory. The cultural memories and traditions of the minorities in Central Asia have been shattered, and what follows imminently is a worsening identity crisis.

Key words: Platonov, Aitmatov, the writing about Central Asia, cultural memory, identity

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