外国文学研究 ›› 2018, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (4): 83-94.

• 英美诗歌研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


张磊, 彭予   

  • 出版日期:2018-08-25 发布日期:2022-05-23
  • 作者简介:张磊,北京航空航天大学外国语学院博士生,主要从事美国诗歌研究;彭予,北京航空航天大学外国语学院教授,主要从事美国诗歌研究。
  • 基金资助:

Title: The Ethical Environment and Ethical Structure of the American Anti-Family Elegy

Zhang Lei, Peng Yu   

  • Online:2018-08-25 Published:2022-05-23
  • About author:Zhang Lei is a Ph. D. candidate at School of Foreign Languages, Beihang University (Beijing 100191, China), specializing in the study of American poetry. Email: chinaferris@126.com; Peng Yu is professor at School of Foreign Languages, Beihang University (Beijing 100191, China), specializing in the study of American poetry. Email: pengyu9751@aliyun.com
  • Supported by:
    “A Study of American Hallucinant Poets” (13BWW052), sponsored by the National Social Science Fund of China

内容摘要: “二战”后,美国社会极力强调家庭的重要地位,认为美国家庭已步入“黄金时期”。与此同时,美国家庭挽歌中出现明显的反叛家庭倾向,与社会宣扬的主流家庭伦理秩序背道而驰,具体表现为拒绝继承、反抗权威,打破了生者与死者之间的传统伦理关系。两种倾向构建了当时美国复杂的伦理环境。对于诗人而言,反家庭挽歌反叛的是家庭伦理象征的现代主义的继承要求、权威地位和由此形成的简单伦理结构,是摆脱传统的影响、探寻独特的个人身份和诗人声音的重要手段。但反叛并非割裂,反家庭挽歌的决绝态度和暴力表达是检验与传统之间情感纽带的极端举措,是通过建构复杂伦理结构来疗救时代弊病、追求自由和超越的一种努力。

关键词: 美国反家庭挽歌, 伦理环境, 伦理结构, “二战”后

Abstract: After the Second World War, American society laid great emphasis on the significance of family, claiming the “Golden Age” of American families had arrived. Conversely, American family elegies demonstrated a tendency of conspicuous hostility against the traditional norms of family, most evident in their refusal of inheritance and denial of authority. This act, however, poses a threat to the traditional ethical relations between the living and the dead. For poets, the desire to disrupt the mainstream ethical structure of American family reflects their quest for distinct personal identities and unique voices of poetry. Hostility, nonetheless, does not necessarily suggests a breach from tradition. As an extreme measure to break from family tradition, the denial of inheritance is an effort to cure social ills and to seek freedom and transcendence.

Key words: American anti-family elegy, ethical environment, ethical structure, post World War II

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