外国文学研究 ›› 2022, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (1): 46-57.

• 前沿理论与批评实践 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2022-02-25 发布日期:2022-04-29
  • 作者简介:龚璇,中国社会科学院外国文学研究所副教授,主要从事爱尔兰文学、英美文学研究。

The Nonnarrated, the Disnarrated, and the Dual Progression in John Banville's “De Rerum Natura”

Gong Xuan   

  • Online:2022-02-25 Published:2022-04-29
  • About author:Gong Xuan is an associate professor at the Institute of Foreign Literature, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (Beijing 100732, China), specializing in the studies of Irish literature, British literature, and American literature. Email: gxblcu@163.com

内容摘要: 约翰•班维尔的短篇故事《物性论》1974年首刊于《大西洋两岸书评》杂志,其修改版作为短篇故事集《长腿兰金》的压轴故事于1984年再次出版,《物性论》的情节发展围绕父亲对儿子的教诲与儿子对父亲的接纳展开,在对卢克莱修长诗的模仿中重申了伊壁鸠鲁关于灵魂救治的主张。值得注意的是,修改版运用未叙述与假设叙述暗示了紧张的父子关系,这一暗示与情节发展之间形成的张力为班维尔提供了建构隐性叙事进程的空间。这个隐蔽于情节之下与之并列前行的叙事进程将许多与情节无关的意象与可能串联起来,以蜗牛喻指儿子,讽刺了儿子对老父的遗弃与冷漠,揭露了儿子对父亲恶之欲其死的隐蔽心理。通过这种双重叙事机制,班维尔的故事在情感结构上同时呼应了以理性乐观为基调的启蒙长诗《物性论》和以不安恐怖为基调的黑色民谣《长腿兰金》,它就像一个精致的瓮,以精巧的结构与丰富的主题体现了班维尔对欧洲现代主义文学传统的继承与革新以及他对20世纪七八十年代爱尔兰社会特有的“时代精神”的捕捉与再现。

关键词: 《物性论》, 《长腿兰金》, 未叙述, 假设叙述, 双重叙事进程

Abstract: John Banville's short story, “De Rerum Natura,” was first published in The Transatlantic Review in 1974 and its revised edition was published, once again, as the concluding piece in his collection of short stories, Long Lankin, in 1984. The story unfolds its plot around the father's instructions for his son and the son's acceptance of his father, and reiterates Epicurus's idea about the salvation of souls through its imitation of Lucretius's long poem, “De Rerum Natura.” What is worth noting is that the revised version employs the nonnarrated and disnarrated strategies to implicate the estranged father-son relationship. The tension generated between such an implication and the plot development creates a space for Banville to construct a covert narrative progression that hides beneath the plot and advances in parallel. Such a narrative progression connects many images and probabilities, all of which seemingly have nothing to do with the plot, such as comparing the son to a snail, satirizing the son's neglect of and indifference toward his father, and revealing the son's hidden excitement over the old man's death. With this dual narrative progression, Banville's story echoes, emotionally, both the enlightening long poem, “De Rerum Natura,” which takes rationality and optimism as its main key, and the old English ballad, “Long Lankin,” whose main key builds on restlessness and fear. Like a well-wrought urn, the story explores its superb structure and profound theme to represent Banville's inheritance and renovation of the literary traditions of European Modernism, and to touch the sensitive nerves of the “historical readers” by insinuating the reality of the Irish society in the 1970s and 1980s as well.

Key words: "De Rerum Natura", "Long Lankin", the nonnarrated, the disnarrated, dual narrative progression

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