外国文学研究 ›› 2020, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (2): 13-25.

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  • 出版日期:2020-04-25 发布日期:2021-02-28
  • 作者简介:罗伯特·塔利,德克萨斯州立大学杰出人文教授、英语系教授,主要从事文学空间研究、19世纪美国文学研究、马克思主义文学批评和文化批评;发表专著多部,现任麦克米伦出版社“地理批评与文学空间研究”系列丛书主编。
  • 基金资助:
    国家社科基金一般项目“文学空间批评研究”(17BZW057); 国家社科基金重大项目“美国文学地理的文史考证与学科建构”(16ZDA197)

Sea Narratives as Nautical Charts:On the Literary Cartography of Oceanic Spaces

Robert T. Tally Jr   

  • Online:2020-04-25 Published:2021-02-28
  • About author:Robert T. Tally Jr. is the NEH Distinguished Teaching Professor of the Humanities and Professor of English at Texas State University. His scholarly interests include spatial literary studies, the 19th-century American literature, Marxist literary criticism, and cultural criticism. He is the author of numerous books and serves as the editor of Geocriticism and Spatial Literary Studies, a Palgrave Macmillan book series. Email: robert.tally@txstate.edu
  • Supported by:
    “Studies of Spatial Literary Criticism” (17BZW057) and “American Literary Geography: Textual & Historical Research and Disciplinary Construction” (16ZDA197) both sponsored by National Social Science Fund of China

内容摘要: 海洋给文学制图者带来了独特的问题。它辽阔的水域没有稳定或精确的地名、可记录的地点或醒目的地标,滚滚波涛中的暗流是仅有的通道。地球如此之多的表面被海洋空间覆盖,但在这个空间能看见或者能被绘入地图的却是如此之少。然而,这里也是海洋叙事的场所。海洋叙事是最具奇幻色彩的文学形式之一,是一种结合了旅行叙事的新闻报道与狂野传奇的极度冒险的文类。至少从18世纪末开始,海洋叙事伴随着全球经济的根本性变革不断发展,因为纯贸易的海洋空间成了资本生产过程中不可或缺的一部分。海洋叙事是理解这一不断变化的世界体系的重要形式,因为船员的个体视角同时将海洋空间的主观经验与难以理解的世界体系的整体性联系在一起。尽管其抵制表征,但赫尔曼·麦尔维尔和约瑟夫·康拉德等作家都竭力表征这个空间。在海洋叙事中,自然、社会、个体性和文本性的相互作用建立了一组复杂的动态坐标,据此可尝试海洋空间的文学绘图。本文探讨海洋空间对文学绘图所构成的挑战,并认为作为一种文类的海洋叙事是绘制这些独特的敌托邦和异托邦的有效方式。

关键词: 文学绘图, 海洋叙事, 世界体系, 敌托邦, 异托邦

Abstract: The ocean presents unique problems for the literary cartographer. Its vast watery expanse has no stable or distinctive toponyms, no places to record or landmarks to highlight, and the only paths available are those carved through the waves by invisible currents. So much of the world's surface is covered by this oceanic space, where so little can be seen or mapped. And yet this space is also the site of one of the most fantastic of literary forms, the sea narrative, a genre that seems to combine the journalistic reporting of the travel narrative with the high adventures of wild romance. From the late eighteenth century, at least, the development of the sea narrative accompanied radical transformations of the global economy, as the oceanic spaces of mere trade became integral to the production processes of capital. The sea narrative was a crucial form in making sense of this changing world system, as the perspective of the shipboard individual at once connected the subjective experience of ocean space with the incomprehensible totality of the world system. Writers such as Herman Melville and Joseph Conrad struggled to represent this space even as the spaces resisted representation. In the sea narrative, the interplay of nature, society, individuality, and textuality establishes a complex, dynamic set of coordinates upon which the literary cartography of oceanic spaces can be attempted. This article discusses the challenge to literary cartography presented by oceanic spaces, and argues that the sea narrative as a genre functions as an effective way of mapping these distinctively atopian andheterotopian zones.

Key words: literary cartography, sea narratives, world system, atopia, heterotopia

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