外国文学研究 ›› 2020, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (6): 109-119.

• 诗歌与诗学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇

新超现实的三棱镜:论W. S.默温的诗歌艺术


  • 出版日期:2020-12-25 发布日期:2021-02-05
  • 作者简介:李佩仑,杭州师范大学外国语学院教授,研究领域为中外当代诗歌、现代诗学。

The Triple Prism of Neo-Surreality: W. S. Merwin's Poetic Art

Li Peilun   

  • Online:2020-12-25 Published:2021-02-05
  • About author:Li Peilun is a professor at the School of International Studies, Hangzhou Normal University (Hangzhou 311121, China). His research interest is modern poetry and poetics.Email:yanrong2000@163.com

内容摘要: W.S.默温的创作不但具有跨文化和生态学的显性价值,更在诗歌本质的内在层面有着现代诗学的开拓意义。默温在多个维度上对传统超现实主义形成了难能可贵的诗学突破,他以还原的方式扩充和延伸了现代诗歌的审美触角,以自然梦幻表征了现代诗人和现代人的身份焦虑,以觉醒的虚空意识构筑了对现代世界的后人类想象。默温的诗歌使超验只是作为超越现实的新工具,既避免了遁世,也缓和了现代性萌生期对现实的过于粗暴,由此形成对后现代主义诗学困境的反思和对某种新诗学的积极建构。

关键词: W.S.默温, 还原, 自然梦幻, 虚空, 新超现实

Abstract: William StanleyMerwin’s writing has not only the conspicuous value in cross-cultural, ecological terms, but also the pioneering significance of modern poetics in the deep essence of poetry. In many dimensions, Merwin has made extraordinary breakthroughs in poetics for traditional surrealism. He expands, extends, by means of restoration, the aesthetic tentacles of modern poetry, represents the modern poet, the modern man’s anxiety over identity with natural illusions, creates a Posthuman imagination of the modern world in an awakened consciousness of void. Merwin’s poetry renders transcendence merely as a new tool to transcend reality, which avoids the retiracy, eases the rudeness towards reality in the early stage of modernity. Hence one can see that his poetry offers a reflection on the predicament of Postmodernist poetics, initiates the active construction of a certain kind of new poetics

Key words: Merwin, restoration, natural illusion, void, neo-surreality

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