Foreign Literature Studies ›› 2021, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (4): 121-133.

• Ethical Literary Criticism • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Reflections on Scientific Ethics: The Tradition of “Science Play” since Doctor Faustus

Wu Jing   

  • Published:2021-08-29
  • About author:Wu Jing is a postdoctoral researcher at the School of English and International Studies, Beijing Foreign Studies University (Beijing 100089, China), specializing in contemporary English drama. Email:

Abstract: “Science Play” holds a key place in contemporary Western drama. Up to now, it has a history of more than four hundred years because its origin, which conincided with the rise of modern science in the West, may be traced back to Christopher Marlowe's The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus. Ever since its appearance, Science Play has always maintained a prudent attitude in critiqueing and reflecting upon the issues concerning modern science, experiencing three creative peaks along with the three scientific revolutions, and, during the process, establishing a creative tradition that is focused on the reflection upon scientific ethics: In the wake of the First Scientific Revolution, science plays like Doctor Faustus expressed some doubts and ethical concerns about modern science; after the nuclear bombing in Japan in 1945, science plays like Life of Galileo reflected upon the potential risk and ethical dilemma posed by science; the third creative upsurge, which has gotten underway since the 1980s and covered all the disciplines of modern science, initiated a more expansive and meticulous ethical probe. Juding from its long history of development, we see that, from its early ethical worries about “science” in broad sense to its in-depth ethical probe into specific disciplines later on, Science Play has established a creative tradtion that relies on the refection upon the scientific ethics as its core.

Key words: Science Play, ethical reflections, tradition of Science Play, history of science, three waves of creative writing

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